Who won the Nobel Prize? The more the better!

Physics prize

X-ray was discovered by W.C. Roentgen (Germany) in 190 1 year.

1902 H.A. Lorenz and P.Zeeman (Dutch) studied the influence of magnetic field on radiation.

1903a.h. becquerel (French) discovered the radioactivity of matter.

Page (abbreviation of page) Curie, M. Curie (France) engaged in radioactive research.

1904 J. W. Rayleigh (Englishman) studied the density of gas and discovered argon.

Ray Nader (German) is engaged in the study of cathode rays.

1906 J.J. Thomson (UK) is engaged in theoretical and experimental research on gas discharge.

1907a.a. Michelson (American) invented the optical interferometer and studied spectroscopy and metrology.

1908 G lippmann (French) invented the color photographic interferometry.

1909 G Marconi (Italy) and K. F. Braun (Germany) developed radio communication.

1910 j.o. van der waals (Netherlands) studied gas and liquid equations.

19 1 1 year W. Wien (Germany) discovered the law of thermal radiation.

19 12 N.G. Darren (Swede) invented an automatic adjusting device, which can be used with batteries such as ignition auxiliary devices.

1913 H. Kamelin-anis (Dutch) is engaged in superconducting research of liquid helium.

1914 m.v. Laue (German) discovered the phenomenon of X-ray diffraction in crystals.

1915 w.h. Prague, w.l. Prague (UK) analyzed the crystal structure by means of X-ray.

19 16 has no prize.

19 17 C G Bakla (UK) discovered the characteristics of secondary X-rays of elements.

19 18 M Planck (Germany) has made great contributions to the establishment of quantum theory.

1919j stark (Germany) discovered the Doppler effect of canal rays and the splitting of spectral lines.

1920, C.E. Guillaume (Swiss) discovered the abnormal phenomenon of nickel-steel alloy and its importance in precision physics.

192 1 year A. Einstein (German) discovered the law of photoelectric effect, etc.

1922 N Bohr (Danish) studied atomic structure and atomic radiation.

1923 r.a. milliken (USA) studied the simple charge and photoelectric effect.

1924, K.M.G siegbahn (Swede) discovered the spectral lines in X-rays.

1925 J frank and g hertz (Germany) discovered the collision law between atoms and electrons.

1926 j.b. perrin (France) discovered the sedimentary equilibrium.

1927a.h. Compton (American) discovered the Compton effect.

C.T.R Wilson (an Englishman) invented the cloud room.

1928 O.W. Richardson (England) discovered Richardson's law.

1929 l.v. de Broglie (France) discovered the matter wave.

Raman effect was discovered by C.V. Raman (Indian) in 1930.

193 1 year without prizes.

1932, W.K. Heisenberg (Germany) founded quantum mechanics.

1933 E. Schrodinger (Austria) and P.A.M Dirac (England) discovered a new and effective form of atomic theory.

1934 There is no prize.

1935 J. chadwick (UK) discovered neutrons.

1936 v.f. Hess (Austrian) discovered cosmic rays.

C d Anderson (USA) discovered positrons.

1937 c.j. Davidson (USA) and g.p. Thomson (UK) discovered the diffraction of electrons by crystals.

1938 E Fermi (Italy) discovered new radioactive elements produced by neutron bombardment and realized nuclear reaction with slow neutrons.

1939 e.o. Lawrence (American) invented and developed the cyclotron, and made some achievements in artificial radioactivity.

1940- 1942 did not win the prize.

1943 O Stern (USA) developed the molecular beam method and the measurement of proton magnetic moment.

1944 i.i. Rabbi (American) invented the famous nuclear magnetic resonance vibration method.

1945 W. Pauli (Austrian) discovered the principle of incompatibility.

1946 P.W. bridgman (USA) learned about ultra-high pressure devices and made some achievements in high pressure physics.

1947 e.v. appleton (UK) discovered the high-altitude radio short-wave ionosphere.

Blackett (England) improved the Wilson cloud room method.

1949, Hideki Yukawa (Japanese) put forward the nuclear meson theory and predicted the existence of mesons.

1950, C.F. Powell (England) developed the photographic emulsion recording method, studied the nuclear destruction process, and found various mesons.

195 1 year, J.D. cockcroft (England) and E. T. Swarton (Ireland) bombarded atoms with artificially accelerated particles, causing them to produce nuclear reactions (transmutation).

1952 F. Bloch and E. M. purcell (USA) founded the nuclear magnetic measurement method.

1953 F. Zelnik (Dutch) invented the phase contrast microscope.

1954 m Born (Germany) has made great contributions to the statistical interpretation and research of quantum mechanics and wave functions.

W Bot (German) invented the coincidence counting method.

1955, W.E. Ram (American) invented microwave technology, and then studied the fine structure of hydrogen atom.

P Kush (USA) used RF beam technology to accurately measure the electron magnetic moment, and innovated the nuclear theory.

1956 w.h. bratton, j.bardeen and w.b. shockley (Americans) studied semiconductors and discovered the transistor effect.

During the period of 1957, Li Zhengdao and Yang Zhenning (Chinese American) made an in-depth study of parity law.

1958 p.a. Cherenkov, that is, Tam and I.M. Frank (Russia) discovered and explained cherenkov effect.

1959 For example, segre and O. Chamberlain (USA) discovered antiprotons.

1960, D.A. grasset (American) invented the bubble chamber instead of the fog chamber.

196 1 year R. hofstadter (USA) used a linear accelerator to study high-energy electron scattering and found nucleons.

R. L. Mossbauer (Germany) engaged in the study of vibration absorption of γ-rays and found the Mossbauer effect.

1962 L.D. Landau (Russian) initiated the theory of condensed matter.

1963 e.p. wigner (USA) discovered the symmetry of elementary particles and the interaction principle in the nucleus.

M.G. Meyer (USA) and J.H.D. Jensen (Germany) studied the core-shell model theory.

1964 C.H. Towns (USA), N.G. Basov and A.M. prokhorov (Russia) invented the maser and laser, and engaged in the basic research of quantum electronics.

1965 Ichiro Asanaga (Japanese), J.S. Schwinge (J.S. Schweinge) and R.P. Feynman (American) conducted fundamental research that had a profound impact on elementary particle physics.

1966A。 Kastler (French) discovered and developed the double * * * vibration method which combines the light vibration and the magnetic vibration, so that the light beam and the radio frequency electromagnetic wave have double * * * vibration.

1967 h.a. Betty (USA) discovered the energy in the planet.

1968 l.w. á lvarez (USA) discovered many * * * vibration dynamics by developing liquid hydrogen bubble chamber and data analysis technology.

1969m gherman (USA) discovered the classification and function of elementary particles.

1970 L. Nell (France) is engaged in the research of ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism.

H. Alvin (Swede) Basic Research on Magnetohydrodynamics

197 1 D. gabor (UK) invented and developed holography.

1972 J. Bardeen, L.N. Cooper, J.R. schrieffer (USA) theoretically explained the phenomenon of superconductivity.

1973, Esaki Reona (Japanese) and Giaever (American) discovered the "tunneling effect" in semiconductors and the Josephson effect in superconducting substances.

1974 M Ryle and A Hughes (UK) are engaged in radio astronomy research.

1975a.n. Bohr, B.R. Mottleson (Dane) and J. rainwater (USA) are engaged in the study of the internal structure of atomic nuclei.

1976 B. neutral meson ψ/ψ particles were discovered in richter (USA) and Ding Zhaozhong (Chinese American).

1977 P.W. Anderson, J.H. Van Flack (USA) and N.F. Mott (UK) are engaged in the basic research on the electronic structure of magnetic and disordered systems.

1978 P. kapitza (Russia) is engaged in low-temperature physics research.

A.A. penzias and R.W. Wilson (Americans) discovered the cosmic microwave background radiation.

1979 S.L. glashow, S.Weinberg (USA) and A.Salam (Pakistan) predicted the existence of weak neutral flow and made contributions to the unified theory of weak interaction and electromagnetic interaction between elementary particles.

1980, J.W. Cronin and V.L. Fitch (Americans) found that parity (GP) is not conserved in the decay of neutral K mesons.

198 1 year, K.M. siegbahn (Swede) developed a high-resolution measuring instrument.

The noun blom Bergen and A. Sholow (USA) have contributed to the development of excitation spectroscopy and high-resolution electron spectroscopy.

1982 k.g. Wilson (USA) put forward the theory of critical phenomenon.

1983 S. Chandraseka and W. A. Fowler (Americans) are engaged in the study of the physical process of star evolution.

1984 C. Lu Biya (Italian) and S. Vandermeyer (Dutch) are very interested in discovering the weak interaction of carrier field particles W Z, and have made decisive contributions to large-scale projects.

1985 k von kritzin (Germany) discovered the quantum Hall effect and developed the technology for measuring physical constants.

1986 e Ruska (Germany) developed the first electron microscope.

G.Binig (Germany) and H. rohrer (Switzerland) designed and studied the scanning tunneling microscope.

1987 J.G. Bednoles (Germany) and K.A. Miller (Switzerland) discovered oxide high-temperature superconductors.

1988 L. Lederman, M. Schwartz and J. Steinberg (Americans) discovered muon neutrinos, thus revealing the internal structure of leptons.

1989 W. Paul (German), H. G. Dehmel and N. F. Ramsey (American) created atomic clocks and made outstanding contributions to physical measurement.

1990 j.i. Friedman, H.W. Kendall (USA) and R.E. Taylor (Canada) first proved the existence of quarks.

199 1 year P.G. Gener (France) engaged in theoretical research on liquid crystals and polymers.

1992 G Xia Pake developed a multi-wire proportional counter.

1993 R.A. hoels and J.H. Taylor (USA) discovered a pair of pulse binary stars.

1994 B.N. brockhaus (Canada) and C.G. Schell (USA) developed neutron scattering technology.

1995, M.L. Pell and F. Raines (Americans) discovered subatomic particles in nature; τ leptons and neutrinos

1996 D.M. Lee, D.D. Osheroff and R.C. Richardson (Americans) found that helium -3 can flow frictionless at low temperature.

1997, Steven Chu (Chinese American), W.D. Phillips (American) and C. Cohen-Tanucci (French) invented the method of laser cooling and trapping atoms.

1998 R. laughlin (USA), H. Stoermer (Germany) and Cui Qi (Chinese American) discovered that electrons can form new particles.

1999 n. hofer and m. Wiltman (Netherlands) put forward the theory of subatomic structure and motion.

Chemistry prize

190 1 year, J.H. van der Hof (Dutch) discovered the chemical kinetics and osmotic pressure law in solution.

1902 E.H. Fisher (Germany) synthesized sugar and purine inducers.

1903 s.a. Arenius (Swedish) put forward the theory of electrolyte solution.

1904 W. Ramsey (UK) discovered the inert gas in the air.

1905 A. von Baer (Germany) is engaged in the research of organic dyes and hydrogenated aromatic compounds.

1906 H. Movasan (France) engaged in the research of fluorine.

1907 E. Bischner (Germany) is engaged in enzyme and enzyme chemistry and biology research.

1908 E. Rutherford (UK) put forward the transmutation theory of radioactive elements.

1909 W. ostwald (Germany) is engaged in the research of catalysis, chemical equilibrium and reaction rate.

19 10 O. wallach (Germany), the founder of alicyclic compounds.

19 1 1 year m Curie (French polish) discovered radium and polonium.

19 12 V Greenia (France) invented Greenia reagent-organic magnesium reagent.

P Sabatier (France) invented an effective method to prepare hydrogenated unsaturated hydrocarbons by using fine metal powder as catalyst.

A. Werner (Switzerland) is engaged in the study of valence of intramolecular atoms.

1914 t.w. Richards (American) devoted himself to the study of atomic weights and accurately determined the atomic weights of many elements.

19 15 R. Wilstedt (Germany) is engaged in the research of plant pigments (chlorophyll).

1916-1917 did not win the prize.

F. Haber (Germany) invented nitrogen fixation.

19 19 has no prize.

1920 W. H. Nernst (Germany) engaged in electrochemical and thermodynamic research.

192 1 year F. Soddy (UK) engaged in the research of radioactive substances and named "isotope" for the first time.

1922 f.w. Aston (UK) discovered isotopes in non-radioactive elements and developed a mass spectrometer.

1923 F. fritz pregl (Austria) founded the microanalysis of organic compounds.

1924 did not win the prize.

1925 Zsigmondy (Germany) engaged in the study of colloidal solutions and established colloidal chemistry.

1926 T. Svedbergh (Swedish) is engaged in the study of dispersion system in colloidal chemistry.

1927 h.o. Vilander (Germany) studied and determined the chemical structures of cholic acid and many similar substances.

1928A。 Windaus (Germany) developed a sterol family and its relationship with vitamins.

1929 A. Harden (UK) and von Achile Schepin (Sweden) expounded the process of sugar fermentation and the role of enzymes.

1930 h fischer (Germany) is engaged in the study of the properties and structures of heme and chlorophyll.

193 1 year C. Bosch (Germany) and F. Bereus (Germany) invented and developed the high-pressure chemical method.

1932 I Langmuir (USA) founded surface chemistry.

1933 missed.

Heavy hydrogen was discovered by H.C. Yuri (USA) in 1934.

1935, J.F.J Curie and I.J. Curie (French) invented artificial radioactive elements.

1936 p.j.w. debye (USA) put forward the concept of molecular magnetic coupling polar moment, and explained the molecular structure by X-ray diffraction.

1937 w.n. Haworth (USA) is engaged in the structural study of carbohydrates and vitamin C.

Pacarey (Switzerland) is engaged in the research of carotenoids, riboflavin, vitamins A and B2.

1938 R. Kuhn (Germany) is engaged in the research of carotene and vitamins.

1939 A. Butenant (Germany) engaged in sex hormone research.

Ruzika (Switzerland) is engaged in the study of terpene and polymethylene structures.

1940 ——1942 did not win the prize.

1943 G. Hevesy (Hungarian) studied the process of chemical and physical changes by using radioisotope tracer technology.

1944 O. Hahn (Germany) discovered heavy nuclear fission's reaction.

1945a.i. Will Tarnum (Finnish) studied agricultural chemistry and nutritional chemistry and invented the method of feed storage and preservation.

1946 J.B. sumner (USA) isolated and purified the enzyme for the first time.

J.H. northrop and W.M. Stanley (USA) isolated and purified the enzyme and virus protein.

1947 R. Robinson (UK) engaged in the research of alkaloids.

1948 A.W.K Tiselius (Swede) discovered electrophoresis and adsorption chromatography.

1949 W.F. giauque (USA) has been engaged in the research of chemical thermodynamics for a long time, especially the physical reactions at ultra-low temperature.

1950 O. p. h. Diels and K. Alder (Germany) discovered Diels-Alder reaction and its application.

195 1 year, G.T. Sipug and E.M. Macmillan (USA) discovered transuranic elements.

1952a.j.p. Martin and R.L.M Singer (UK) developed and applied partition chromatography.

1953 H. staudinger (Germany) is engaged in the research of cyclic polymers.

1954 L.V. Pauling (USA) expounded the essence of chemical bonding and explained the complex molecular structure.

1955 V Vignord (USA) Identification and synthesis of sulfur-containing biological substances (especially oxytocin and vasopressin).

1956, C.N. hinshelwood (UK) and N.N. Semenoff (Russia) put forward the chemical kinetic theory of gas phase reaction, especially branch chain reaction.

1957a.r. Todd (UK) is engaged in the research of nucleases and nuclease coenzymes.

1958 F. Sanger (UK) is engaged in the research of insulin structure.

1959, J. Heyrovsk, Jaroslav (Czech Republic) put forward the theory of extreme general science and discovered "extreme popularization of law".

1960, W. F. Libby (American) invented the "radiocarbon dating method".

196 1 year m Calvin (USA) revealed the mechanism of plant photosynthesis.

1962 M.F. Peroots and J.C. Chendru (UK) defined the fine structure of protein.

1963, K. Ziegler (Germany) and G. Natta (Italy) discovered the polymerization method using new catalysts and engaged in basic research in this field.

1964 D.M.C Hawking (UK) uses X-ray diffraction technology to determine the spatial structure of complex crystals and macromolecules.

1965 r.b. Woodward's contribution to organic synthesis

1966 r.s. mallikon (USA) established the molecular orbital theory of chemical structure with quantum mechanics, and expounded the nature of valence bond and electronic structure of molecules.

1967 R.G.W. Norrish, G.Porter (UK) and M.Egan (Germany) invented the technology of measuring rapid chemical reactions.

1968 L. Onsager (USA) is engaged in basic research on thermodynamics of irreversible processes.

1969 O. hassell (Norwegian) and D.H.R.R. Barton (British) contributed to the development of stereochemistry theory.

1970 L.F. Lerell (Argentine) discovered sugar nucleotide and its role in sugar synthesis.

197 1 year G. Herzberg (Canadian) is engaged in the research on the electronic structure and geometric structure of free radicals.

1972c banfensen (USA) determined the molecular amino acid arrangement of ribonuclease.

Nan Moore and W. H. Stein (Americans) are engaged in the study of the active site of ribonuclease.

1973 E.O. Fischer (Germany) and G. Wilkinson (England) are engaged in the research of organometallic compounds with multilayer structure.

1974 P.J. Flory (USA) engaged in theoretical and experimental basic research of polymer chemistry.

1975 j.w. Cornforth (Australia) studied the stereochemistry of enzyme-catalyzed reactions.

Verb (abbreviation of verb) Prelogue (Switzerland) is engaged in the stereochemistry research of organic molecules and organic reactions.

1976 W.N. lipscomb (USA) is engaged in the structural research of borane.

1977 I I.llyaPrigogine (Belgian) mainly studied non-equilibrium thermodynamics and put forward the theory of "dissipative structure".

1978 P.D. Mitchell (UK) is engaged in the research of energy conversion on biofilm.

H C· Brown (USA) and G Wittig (Germany) developed a new organic synthesis method.

1980 P. Berg (USA) engaged in biochemical research of nucleic acids.

Gilbert (American) and Sanger (British) determined the base sequence of nucleic acid.

198 1 year, Kenichi Fukui (Japanese) and R. Hoffman (American) engaged in the study of chemical reaction process.

1982 A. Kruger (UK) developed the electron diffraction method of crystallography and studied the three-dimensional structure of nucleic acid-protein complexes.

1983 h taub (USA) elaborated the electronic reaction mechanism of metal coordination compounds.

1984 r.b. Merifield (USA) developed a very simple peptide synthesis method.

1985 J Karl, H A hauptmann (USA) developed a direct calculation method to determine the crystal structure of matter by X-ray diffraction.

1986 D.R. Hirsch, Li Yuanzhe (Chinese American), J.C.? Pogliani (Canada) studied the kinetics of the potential energy surface movement in chemical reaction systems.

1987 C.J. pedersen, D.J. Cramer (USA) and J.M. Lane (France) synthesized crown ether compounds.

1988 J Dyson Hoff, R Huber, H Michel (Germany) analyzed the three-dimensional structure of the photosynthetic reaction center.

1989 S. altman and T. R. Cech (USA) found that RNA itself has the catalytic function of enzyme.

1990 E.J. Corey (USA) founded a unique theory of organic synthesis-inverse synthesis analysis theory.

199 1 year, R.R. Ernst (Swiss) invented Fourier transform nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum and two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance technology.

1992 R.A. Marcus (USA) made a contribution to the theory of electron transfer reaction in solution.

1993 K B Muhlis (American) invented the method of "polymerase chain reaction".

M Smith (Canada) pioneered the method of "site-directed mutagenesis based on oligonucleotide".

1994 g.a. Euler (USA) has made outstanding contributions in the field of oil and gas research.

1995 P. crutzen (Germany), M. Molina and F.S. Roland (USA) expounded the chemical mechanism that affects the thickness of the ozone layer, and proved that artificial chemicals have a destructive effect on the ozone layer.

1996 r.f. cole (USA), h.w. clouseau (UK) and r.e. smalley (USA) discovered a new form of carbon-fullerene ball (also called bucky ball) C60.

1997, P.B. Boyer (USA), J.E. Walker (UK) and J.C. Sko (Denmark) discovered the ion transport enzyme responsible for energy storage and transfer in human cells.

1998 W. Cohen (Austrian) put forward the theory of density function.

J. Pope (Englishman) put forward the method of quantum chemistry.

1999 A. Zeval (Egyptian-American) used laser scintillation to study chemical reactions.

Prize in Physiology and Medicine

190 1 year E.A.V Behring (Germany) engaged in the research of diphtheria serum sequencing.

1902 R Ross (UK) is engaged in malaria research.

1903 N.R. Susen (Dane) discovered the use of light radiation to treat lupus.

1904 I.P. Pavlov (Russian) is engaged in the research of digestive system physiology.

1905 R. robert koch (Germany) engaged in tuberculosis research.

1906 C. Gordi (Italian) and S. Ramon Cahal (Spanish) are engaged in the study of the fine structure of nervous system.

1907c.l.a. Laveran (France) discovered and expounded the role of protozoa in the pathogenesis.

1908 P. ehrlich (Germany) and E. Mechnikov (Russia) are engaged in research on immunity.

1909 E.T. Kocher (Swiss) is engaged in physiological, pathological and surgical research of thyroid.

1910 a. Kausel (German) is engaged in protein and nucleic acid research.

19 1 1 year A. Gullstrand (Swedish) engaged in the research of refractive optics of eyes.

19 12 A Karel (French) is engaged in the research of vascular suture and organ transplantation.

19 13 C.R. Richie (France) is engaged in the research of antigen allergy.

19 14 R. Barani (Austrian) is engaged in the physiological and pathological research of vestibular organ of inner ear.

1915-1918 did not win the prize.

19 19 J. Bourdette (Belgian) made a series of discoveries about immunity.

1920, S. A.S Crowe (Dane) discovered the regulation of body fluids and nerve factors on the mechanism of capillary movement.

192 1 year without prizes.

1922 A.V. Hill (UK) is engaged in the research of muscle energy metabolism and substance metabolism.

O Meyerhof (Germany) is engaged in the research of muscle oxygen consumption and lactic acid metabolism.

Insulin was discovered by Wan Jin (Canadian) and mcleod (Canadian) in 1923.

1924 W. Eintoven (Dutchman) discovered the mechanism of electrocardiogram.

1925 There is no prize.

1926, J.A.G Fibiger (Danish) discovered Phoebe's mouse cancer.

1927 J Wagner Jorge (Austrian) discovered the fever therapy for paralysis.

1928c.j.h. Nicole (France) is engaged in the study of typhus.

1929 C. Aikman (Dutchman) discovered vitamins that can resist neuritis.

F.G. Hopkins (UK) discovered vitamin B 1 deficiency and engaged in the chemical research of anti-neuritis drugs.

1930 K. Landstein (Austrian-American) found the blood type.

193 1 year, O.H. warburg (German) discovered the nature and mode of action of respiratory enzymes.

1932, C.S. Sherrington and E.D. Adrian (England) discovered the mechanism of nerve cell activity.

1933, T.H. Morgan (American) discovered the genetic mechanism of chromosomes and founded the theory of chromosome inheritance.

Minot, Murphy and whipple (USA) discovered the liver therapy for anemia in 1934.

1935 h spaemann (Germany) discovered the induction of dorsal lip in embryonic development.

1936, H.H. Dale (England) and O.Lewei (German-American) discovered the chemical transmission of nerve impulses.

1937 A. St. George (Hungarian) discovered the principle of muscle contraction.

1938 C. hymans (Belgian) discovered the mechanism of respiratory regulation.

1939 G. Domagk (Germany) discovered sulfonamides.

1940- 1942 did not win the prize.

Vitamin K was discovered in 1943 by C. P.H Dam (Danish).

E.A. doisy (American) discovered the chemical properties of vitamin K.

1944 J. erlanger and H. S. Gasser (Americans) are engaged in the study of nerve fiber mechanism.

1945 A. Fleming, E.B. Ernst Boris Chann and H.W. Flory (England) discovered penicillin.

1946 h.j. Mahler (USA) artificially induced genes with x-rays.

1947 C. F. Cory and G. T. Cory (USA) discovered the enzymatic reaction in sugar metabolism.

B.A. Jose (Argentine) discovered the effect of pituitary hormones on glucose metabolism.

1948 p.h. Miller (Swiss) discovered and synthesized DDT.

1949, W.R. Hess (Switzerland) discovered the regulation of diencephalon hypothalamus on internal organs.

A.E. Monitz (Portuguese) discovered the therapeutic significance of removing the white matter in the front lobe of the brain for mental illness.

1950 E.C. Kendall, P.S. Hench (USA) and T. Reichstein (Switzerland) discovered adrenocortical hormone and its structural and biological effects.

195 1 year M Tiller (South Africa) discovered yellow fever vaccine.

Streptomycin was discovered by S.A. Wachsman (USA) in 1952.

1953 f.a.lippman (American) discovered the importance of high-energy phosphate binding in metabolism and coenzyme a.

H.A. krebs (England) discovered the krebs cycle.

1954 J.F. Enders, T.H. Weller and F.C. Robbins (Americans) studied the tissue culture of poliovirus and the application of tissue technology.

1955 A.H. Siorel (Swedish) is engaged in the research of peroxidase.

1956 A.F. Kunand, D.W. Richards (USA) and W. forssman (Germany) developed cardiac catheterization.

1957 D. Beauvet (Swiss, Italy) is engaged in the research on the synthesis of curculigine.

1958g.w. Biddle and E.L. Tatum (Americans) found that all biochemical reactions in organisms are controlled by genes step by step.

J lederberg (USA) is engaged in the research of gene recombination and bacterial genetic material.

1959 S. ochoa and A. kornberg (American) are engaged in the research of synthesizing RNA and DNA.

F.M. Burnett (Australia) and P.B. Medawar (UK) confirmed acquired immune tolerance in 1960.

196 1 year, G.V. Bekasey (USA) established the "traveling wave theory" and discovered the physical mechanism of cochlear sound perception.

1962 J.D. Watson (USA), F.H.C Crick and M.H.F Wilkins (UK) discovered the molecular structure of nucleic acid and its importance to information transmission.

1963, J.C. Eickel (Australian), A.L. Hawking and A.F. Huxley (British) discovered the ionic mechanism related to nerve excitation and inhibition.

From 65438 to 0964, K.E. Bloch (USA) and F. Feodor Lynen (Germany) were engaged in the research of cholesterol and fatty acid biosynthesis.

1965 F. Jacob, J. L. Mono, A. M. Levov (France) studied the genetic regulation mechanism in enzyme and bacterial synthesis.

1966 f.p.lawes (USA) discovered tumor-induced virus.

C.b. Huggins (USA) discovered the interference of endocrine on cancer.

1967 R.A. granit (Swedish), H.K. hartland and G. Wald (American) discovered the visual process of eyes.

1968 R.W. Hawley, H.G. Horana and M.W. nirenberg (Americans) studied the decoding of genetic information and its role in protein synthesis.

1969 M delbruck, A D hershey, S E luria (USA) discovered the replication mechanism and genetic structure of the virus.

1970 B. Katz (UK), U. S.V Ajler (Sweden) and J. axelrod (USA) discovered the transmitting substance of nerve endings and its mechanism.

197 1 year E.W. Sutherland (USA) discovered the action mechanism of hormones.

1972 G.M. edelman (USA) and R.R. Porter (UK) studied the chemical structure and function of the antibody.

1973 K.V. frisch, K.Lorenz (austria) and N.Timbergen (uk) discovered individual and social behavior patterns (comparative behavioral zoology).

1974 A. Claude, C.R. De Div (Belgium) and G.E. Paradi (USA) are engaged in the study of cell structure and function.

1975 D. Baltimore, H.M. Temin (USA) and R. Durbeck (USA) are engaged in the research of tumor viruses.

1976 B.S. Blumberg (USA) discovered Australian antigen.

D.C. Gajdusek (USA) is engaged in the research of chronic virus infection.

Hypothalamic hormone was discovered by R.C.L Gilman and A.V. Shari (USA) in 1977.

R.S. Yalo (USA) radioimmunoassay

1978 W. Alber (Switzerland), H. O. Smith and D. Nathans (USA) discovered the restriction endonuclease and its application in molecular genetics.

1979 A.M. Cormac (USA) and G.N. Monsfield (UK) developed an X-ray tomography scanner (CT scanner for short) operated by an electronic computer.

1980 B. Benacerraf, G.D. snell (USA) and J. Dorset (France) are engaged in the research on the cell surface genetic structure that regulates immune response.

198 1 year R.W. sperry (USA) is engaged in the study of functional zoning of cerebral hemisphere.

D.H. Huber (USA) and T.N. wiesel (Sweden) are engaged in the research of information processing of visual system.

1982, prostaglandin was discovered by S.K. Beristallen, B.I. samuel Song (Sweden) and J.R. (England).

1983 B. mcclintock (USA) discovered the mobile gene.

1984, N.K. Jenny (Danish), G. J.F Koehler (German) and C. milstein (British) established the theory of immunosuppression mechanism and developed monoclonal antibodies.

1985 M.S. Brown and J.L. goldstein (Americans) are engaged in the study of cholesterol metabolism and diseases.

Nerve growth factor and epithelial cell growth factor were discovered in 1986 by R L Montal Sini (Italian) and S Cohen (American).

1987 susumu tonegawa (Japanese) expounded the genetic principle related to antibody production.

1988 J.W. Blake (UK), G.B. Elion and G.H. Hitchens (USA) made important contributions to the principles of drug research.

1989 J.M. Bishop and h.e.w. mousse (USA) found that the oncogene of animal tumor virus originated from cell gene.

1990 J.E. Murray, E.D. Thomas (USA)

Engaged in the research of human organ transplantation and cell transplantation technology.

199 1 year E. Nell and B. Sakerman (Germany) invented the patch clamp technology.

1992 E.H. Fisher and E.G. krebs (USA) discovered the reversible phosphorylation of protein.

1993 p.a. Sharp, R.J. Roberts (USA) discovered the broken gene.

1994a.g. Gilman and M. Rodbell (USA) discovered G protein and its function of transmitting information in cells.

1995, E.B. Lewis, E.F. Vishos (USA) and C.N. Forhad (Germany) discovered the important genetic mechanism controlling the development of early embryos.

1996 P.C. Dougherty (Australia) and R.M. Zinkernagel (Switzerland) discovered the characteristics of cell-mediated immune protection.

1997 S.B. Prusiner (American) discovered prion and made outstanding contributions to the study of its pathogenic mechanism.

1998 R. Robert, L. Ignarro, F. Morad (USA) found that "nitric oxide" is a molecule that transmits signals in the cardiovascular system.

1999 G. Blobel (