Lu Xun praised Qu Yuan and said, "Escape is a big talk, and you will be outstanding all your life."
Zhuge Liang: Where are Shuxiang (Tang Dynasty), Du Fu and the famous Premier Temple? In a pine forest near the Silk City. The steps are dotted with green grass in spring, and birds are chirping happily under the leaves. The third call aggravated his state affairs, and he gave his sincerity to two generations. But before he conquered, he died, and since then the heroes have been crying on their coats.
Tao Yuanming: Su Shi said in "A Book with Su Zhe" that "I am not good at interacting with poets, so there are not many profound poems, but their poems are solid and nothing compared with those of Cao, Liu, Bao, Xie, Li and Du Fu".
Xiang Yu: Li Qingzhao: I still miss Xiang Yu and refuse to cross Jiangdong.