It is not high, and some officials have names; Knowledge is not deep, and power is spiritual. This yamen is for my exclusive use. There is a trumpeter before, and an apple polisher behind. Laugh and talk with friends, but no soldiers. You can get privileges and get married. There is no harsh criticism, only a homophonic compliment. Qingyun can go straight, showing spirit with the wind. The crowd said, "Smelly people!"
Departmental inscription
Not high, just deal with it; Knowledge is not deep, and flattery is spiritual. I'm a department, but I'm smart. Vulgarity is fun, gossip is news. There is no limit to joking, there is a back door. You can knit sweaters and practice qigong. No noise of books, no worries of state affairs. Pay adjustment is not backward, the level is the same. Si Long said, "Enjoy it."
Relational inscription
If you want to be reused, just kiss up; If you want to be promoted, you must worship frequently. Si is the trick, only I am smart. Nonsense is much more expensive, and flattery is the essence. He is good at cliques and is used to taking advantage of it. You can be liked and get a bonus. The office is not hard, and the countryside is not hard. The velvet is fine, and the tea tastes slowly. People praised: "Very clever!"
Inscription in consulting room
The technology is not high, but it can blow; The industry is not refined, and it is good to be able to boo. I am the doctor's office, and I am the only one. Attacking peers for stupidity and belittling western medicine. He prides himself on having a wonderful chess game, which can rejuvenate him indefinitely. Palm reading, driving away disasters. There is no effort in farming and no labor in management. Everyone thought of cheating and was deaf. I said to myself, "As long as you have money!"
Write an inscription
Literature is not refined, and taste is famous; If things are not true, it is spiritual to be able to call names. Chris is news, just a sensation. During the embedded period of the murder case, the article was wrapped in pornography. Every sentence is wonderful enough to win every word. You can create content by imagination. There is no hard work of interviewing, and there is no hard work of reviewing manuscripts. Striving for fame and gain, the mouthpiece blows strange wind. Reader cloud: "What a scandal!"
Mahjong name
Not many people, barely make do; It's good to be away from home, but it's good to keep secrets. Sri Lanka is a national quintessence, just to my liking. The most annoying three are short of one, and they always like to clean the door. Talk about winning or losing, no feelings. You can forget all about eating and sleeping and forget your first and last name. Leave the business from nine to five, and leave the housework outside the cloud nine. There are many things in the world, and this is the most pious. And people say, "Repair my Great Wall!"
Xiaoping Ming
People are not tall, and their virtues are famous; Few words, rational. Deng Gong with great wisdom and courage. History has made great contributions to contemporary creative theory. Talking and laughing, ups and downs, shocking. It can turn the tide and fight against evil winds. Without losing everything, Gao reactive power was carried away. Set up a special zone in southern Xinjiang, and work in Kunming in the north. Wan Zhongyun: "Wei Xiaoping!"
Meeting registration
The room is not big, just a stool, and there are not many people, so we can't be headless. No matter how harsh you say, it doesn't matter if you are late. It starts at 8: 30 and starts at 9: 00. Laughing and laughing, unrestrained, unrestrained communication. You can knit, smoke, knock melon seeds and chat. Two kilograms of materials, only one yuan for the content. Read on the stage and turn off the stage. Don't use your head, don't bother to record, drink a few buckets of boiling water and go to the toilet four or five times. Some people doze off, others yawn. Always raise your wrist before telling a story. Everyone says, "Are you finished?"
Le transparent
If the number of yards is small, six yards will win; You don't have to sign early, but honesty is the spirit. Si is a dream, I don't wake up, the cards are accurate, and there are six stars at a time; After winning the first prize, Yin Bei holds a bonus and can buy a villa to accumulate gold. No alarm clock, no overtime. Call at the hotel at night and wake up naturally every day. I said to myself, "Only you succeeded!"
The law is not high, and the fairy bones are spiritual; There are not many skills, and babies can do it. Private is great, but greedy. Today's monsters are bad, and the monks in Kunlun are good. Yang Jian loves to be cool, and his muscles are weak. You can use magic weapons and twist them. If you can't do all your troubles, you will have the pain of sealing the gods. There is a leopard on the wall, and the old man is sleeping. Burning lamp cloud: "Nuwa is the best!"
Inscription of farmers
There are not many fields, just eat enough; No, stop when you have paid enough. Dai Yue is still poor. Pay public grain after autumn and give you a white note. Laughter and laughter are bitter, and there is no spirit between us. If you can dig out the coal, you will die. Without a moment's rest, there is no joy. Today's poll tax is heavy in the Ming Dynasty. Kong Ziyun: "Why are you happy?"
Inscription of corrupt officials
The official is not big, and the power is spiritual; There is not much profit, and it will be successful if you can get it. Although it is a nine-product, it is a saint. Eat, drink and fish, and everything can go first. The official rank is rising year by year, and the oil and water are increasing day by day. Cars are coming and going, talking nonsense; Command blindly, fool people. No pain caused by fatigue, no trouble caused by work. The world can't compare, and neither can the gods. The common people said, "This official is disgusting."
Gongpu inscription
The position is not high, honest and famous; Power is not great, but it is spiritual to the public. Sri Lanka is a public servant of the people and serves them. Footsteps are at the grassroots level, and people's feelings are deep in the brain; Laughing and laughing with the people, we are selfless. You can know the truth and test it. No false ears, no biased love. Lankao Gioyuru won the admiration of the people. Everyone said, "Public servant spirit!"
Inscription of works
If there is not much money, it will be hundreds of thousands; You don't have to be short of things, and it is the spirit to be mixed up. I am cool, but I am happy; The boss often raises his salary, and the boss doesn't call the roll; Idle to get bonuses, stocks often rise and fall; Have time to take frequent vacations and travel abroad; No traffic jams, no overtime; If the Yangtze River waters, wealth than the stars. The boss said, "Dream on!"
China football "humble room inscription"
The skill is not high, just score goals. If you don't practice well, you win. Although it is a stadium, it is just for leisure. The coach walked away and I didn't listen to the speech. Laugh back, and the "elite" who lost. Without tactical confusion, there will be no high-quality work. There are Japan and South Korea in the East and big countries in the West. Confucius said, "Fucking football!"