The Analects of Confucius is a collection of quotations from Confucius and his disciples, which was compiled by Confucius' disciples and re-disciples until the early Warring States period. The book * * * consists of 20 chapters and 492 sections. It mainly records the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples, and embodies Confucius' political opinions, ethical thoughts and educational principles.
Therefore, it is difficult to cover those who are diligent and inquisitive. Confucius got a piece of paper, that's all. Its origin is: Although Kong Wen's virtue is not good-"Kong Wenzi killed his uncle and married his wife. The disease spread through the first wife's wife. Wen Zi was very angry and would attack it. When visiting Zhongni, Zhong Ni was wrong, so he went his own way. When he arrived in the Song Dynasty, Wen Zi left a hole in his sick brother's room, but he was labeled as "Wen", which inevitably puzzled Zi Gong. Confucius knew right from wrong, and he didn't deny his valuable advantages. Tell Zigong the origin of his obituary-although he is smart and powerful, he is not ashamed to ask questions, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people.