Confucius once said that what the eyes see is sometimes incorrect, let alone what the ears hear.

When Confucius traveled around the world, he didn't even eat rice for a while. Fortunately, one day Yan Hui brought back a bag of rice, and Confucius asked him to cook it and eat it with everyone. After the meal was cooked, Confucius found that Yan Hui himself took out some rice from it and ate it first. He was silent at that time, and when everyone was together, he taught everyone: "In addition to seeking knowledge, you should also learn to respect teachers and pay attention to Taoism. It is impolite for elders to eat before eating. "

Yan Hui explained, "Teacher, you misunderstood. Just now, I saw some black rice in the rice. Maybe the firewood was blown up, so I didn't dare to waste food, so I ate black rice first. "

Confucius sighed, "What you see with your own eyes may not be what you think. You all think that you should investigate first and think about things first. "

original text

Confucius is poor between Chen and Cai. He didn't pour quinoa soup, didn't taste whole grains for seven days, and slept during the day. Yan Hui Somy, burn it when you get it. How familiar are you? Confucius saw that Yan Hui robbed the rebuttal and ate it. Choose a room, eat well, pay homage to Confucius and eat. Confucius turned a blind eye. Confucius said: "Today's dream is to be the first king, then eat clean and then feed back." Yan Hui said to him, "No way. I went to the coal house and abandoned the grain, so I caught it and ate it. " Confucius said: "Believers have eyes, but their eyes are still unreliable;" People who rely on it have a heart, but their hearts are still insufficient. Disciples remember that it is not easy to know people. "