Original text of the work
When Xu Ruzi was nine years old, he tried to play under the moon. People said: "If there is nothing in the moon, it must be very clear." Xu said: "Otherwise "It's like having pupils in people's eyes. Without them, it would be unclear." When Xu Ruzi was nine years old, he was playing in the moonlight. Someone said to him: "If there is a moon." If there is nothing inside, it will be very bright, right? "Xu Ruzi said, "That's not the case. It's like a pupil in a person's eye. Without it, the eye will not be bright."
Extended information:
Appreciation of works
Old text: When Xu Ruzi was nine years old, he tried to play under the moon, and people said: "If there is nothing in the moon, it must be very bright and evil?" Xu said: "No. For example, it is like in human eyes. If you have pupils, you will not understand if you don’t have them.”
The subtlety of language: comparing human eyes with the moon, using something to answer the questioner. Xu Ruzi always advocated "respect, thrift, righteousness, indifference and clear ambition". He did not want to be an official but was willing to help others. He was respected as "Nanzhou Gaoshi" and "Common Scholar" and became a "model of outstanding people" that has been praised for thousands of years.
He once went to Jiangxia (now Yunmeng, Hubei Province) to be a disciple of the famous scholar Huang Qiong. Later, when Huang became a high official, Xu broke off relations with him and repeatedly refused Huang's invitation to become an official. After Huang Qiong's death, Xu Ruzi walked for several days from Nanchang to Jiangxia to offer sacrifices. Later generations admired him and said: "The invited officials refused to go out, so they traveled thousands of miles to attend the funeral.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Xu Ruzi Appreciating the Moon