Du Fu's grandfather and father were both officials, so when he was a child, he was educated in a very good environment and lived a relatively stable and prosperous life. He has been eager to learn since he was a child. At the age of seven, he was able to write poems. "At the age of seven, I thought I was strong, and I sang the phoenix with my mouth open." He is interested in "making the monarch Yao and Shun, and then making the customs pure." When he was a teenager, he was also very naughty. "I remember when I was fifteen, I was a child, as healthy as a yellow calf." Pear and jujube are ripe in August before the court, and the tree day can return to a thousand times. "When Du Fu was twenty years old, he traveled alone in Jiangnan for several years.
It was not until Du Fu, who was in his thirties, met Miss Yang's family that Du Fu's family power disappeared. Miss Yang's family is Yang Yi's daughter, a young farmer and a young lady of 19 years old. She is smart and virtuous, and young talents from all walks of life are chasing her, but she prefers Du Fu, who has never written a love poem, to be Du Fu's wife.
However, relying on his family background, Du Fu still travels and writes poems with many poets. His wife never changed her treatment of Du Fu and never abandoned Du Fu. Du Fu's father died soon, but Du Fu still had to earn fame to maintain his family life. But the prime minister lied to the emperor that all the talented people were recorded in the previous scientific examinations. This year, Du Fu failed, and his wife still stayed with Du Fu. Later, because of the Anshi rebellion, he retired to Du Fu's Caotang, but he lived a wandering life with his wife for a short time. After his wife died, Du Fu finally died on the boat.