1. There is a classical Chinese article about a king who asked the author who he could rely on, but the ministers said there was no one
"Historical Records" Volume 32 The Family of Qi Taigong
In the forty-one year, Duke Mu of Qin captured Duke Hui of Jin and returned to him. That year, both Guan Zhong and Xi Peng died. When Guan Zhong was ill, Duke Huan asked: "Who among the ministers can help me?" Guan Zhong said: "There is no better minister than the king." The duke asked: "How about Yi Ya?" He said to him: "Killing a son to suit the king is unkind and cannot be done." He said: "How about a prescription?" He said to him: "Being twice as close to the king is inhumane and difficult to get close to." The duke said: "How about a straight sword?" He said to him: "I am from the palace to be suitable for the king. It is inhumane and difficult to get close to him." Guan Zhong said After death, Duke Huan did not need Guan Zhongyan. He used three sons when he died, and the three sons had exclusive power. "Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals? Your Duke"
Guan Zhong was ill, and Duke Huan went to ask about it and said, "Zhong's father is very ill and has severe stains. The people of the country don't keep tabs on it. Who will belong to the country?" Guan Zhong said to him: "In the past, I tried my best and tried my best, but I still didn't know enough. Now I'm sick day and night. How can I express my ridicule?" Duke Huan said, "This is such a big thing, I hope Father Zhong will teach me." Guan Zhong promised, "Who is the Duke?" "Is Bao Shuya good?" The public asked, "Is Bao Shuya okay?" Guan Zhong said to him, "No. Yiwu is good at Bao Shuya. Bao Shuya is a man of integrity and uprightness. He doesn't compare himself to others. Once he hears someone's fault, he will be punished for the rest of his life." "Don't forget it. How can Xi Peng be worthy of it?" It's something you don't know about things, and it's something you don't see when it comes to people. If that's the case, then Xi Pengke is right."
Logically speaking, this is the first paragraph.
If neither of these two paragraphs is true, then it is Zhuge Liang’s example that is a bit suspicious.