After the completion of the six kings, the four seas are one, Shushan is upright, and Afang is out. Overpressure exceeds 300 miles, isolated from the sun. Mount Li is built in the north and folded in the west, leading directly to Xianyang. Erchuan dissolves and flows into the palace wall. Five steps to the first floor, ten steps to a pavilion; Corridor waist back, eaves high; Hold the terrain, intrigue. There are thousands of waves in the hive. What is a cloudless dragon lying on a long bridge? After the road is empty, don't blame Eric? High and low, I don't know the west and the east. Singing warm, spring is harmonious; Ballroom cold sleeves, wind and rain sad. Within a day, the climate is uneven between palaces.
The concubine, the prince and the grandson resigned from the downstairs hall and came to Qin. Singing at night, for Qin citizens. The stars are shining and the cosmetic mirror is on; Lv Yun came forward and combed Xiao Huan; Nutrient flow is greasy, and fat water is abandoned; The smoke is foggy and the pepper orchids are also burning. The thunder shook and the palace car passed; I don't know what I was doing when I was listening in the distance. A muscle, a capacity, extremely beautiful, standing overlooking, a face of good luck; There are still 36 years to hide. Zhao Yanzhi's collection, the rule of Han and Wei dynasties, the elite of Qi and Chu, plundered by generations, surrounded by mountains and waters; If you can't have it, you will lose it. In the meantime, you will lose your jade, gold nuggets and pebbles and give it up. Qin people regard it and don't cherish it.