Someone asked Wei Zhi: "What is the master of man, what is bright and what is dark?" Yes, I said, "If you listen to everything, you will be clear; if you listen to it, you will be dark. Yao Qing asked the people yesterday, so Miao's evil was heard in the newspaper. Shun ming has four eyes, up to four plexus, so * * *, guns, and pockets can't be covered. Qin Ershi believes in Zhao Gao, which is a disaster; Liang Wudi believed that yi zhu took the shame of Taicheng; Emperor Yang Di was partial to Historical Records, which led to the change of Pengcheng Pavilion. If the old gentleman listens to everything and accepts everything, then your minister can't get asylum, but the next situation is more reasonable. " Above: "Good."
Emperor Taizong asked Wei Zhi, "How can a monarch be called light and darkness?" Wei Zhi replied, "Listening to everything makes you clear, but favoritism makes you dark. Once upon a time, Emperor Yao clearly understood the situation from the following people, so Sanmiao grasped the evil things in time. Emperor Shun listened to all directions and saw all directions, so * * *, guns and roe couldn't fool him. Qin Ershi believed in Zhao Gao and was killed by Zhao Gao in Wang Yigong. Liang Wudi believed Zhu Yi and was put under house arrest and starved to death in Taicheng. Emperor Yang Di was partial to Historical Records and died in the mutiny of Pengchengge in Yangzhou. Therefore, you listen to opinions widely, and the nobles dare not bully, and their feelings can be reached. " Emperor Taizong