The third word is a poem.
Ten years old: When he was fifteen or twenty years old. He chased a wild horse, he caught him and rode him for 35 years. In Sanhe Province, the governor called the young man. The five imperial edicts called for 1,000 old generals, and looked at the clouds to cover the treetops. And thousands of houses are shaded by flowers and bamboos. Four: Forty-eight thousand years have passed. Don't communicate with Dazheng. Six: high, as on a high flag, six dragons drive the sun. And the river in the distance below lashes its winding route. 9: The green clay mountain is made up of many circles. Every 100 steps, we have to turn 90,000 to 10,000 in the middle of its mound: Didn't you see the Han family in 200 states of Shandong? In thousands of villages, nothing grows white except weeds: it has been hidden in grass and thorns for a hundred days. Show it to him from head to toe v: you are the strongest of the three legs of the pot. It was you who defended the honor of Coin II: Three Thousand Li in the Forbidden City. A maid-in-waiting has lived here for twenty years. It was in the dead of night that the sword was drawn. But now, in the Eight Dynasties after the week, all wars are over. Why does no one care about these drums? Finally found it all. I hope you need it. Happy winter vacation,