Princess Changning's Dongzhuang's banquet should be held outside Dongguo in Qinyuan, and Luan 'er should visit it. The waterside pavilion should be in full swing, and the mountain building should look at the night. Feast near the goddess and drink near the minister. I admire the sacred algae hanging like a statue.
In the early spring of Su Weidao, the banquet in the palace should be made (with the word "Tian"), the warm liquid should be dripped, the waves should jump, and the strings should be answered urgently. When I'm drunk, it's like dreaming of heaven.
Li Shifeng, imperial edict 9 banquet, so that Qiu Guang is not allowed to enter the park, Chen You color is high. Yu Fang presented colorful barnacles, and Ju Rui recommended fragrant fermented grains. After riding willows on the embankment, brush peaches first. Wang Mei is very obedient. He is ashamed to fly.
Shi Li gave a banquet in Dongzhuang to treat Princess Changning, Fengtai auspicious, Longge bustling, Pingyang singing and dancing, the garden pavilion full of water, mountain flowers full of wine, bamboo wrapped around smoked piano. I would like to be driven by Yaochi and serve the virtuous voices of Qianchun.
Zhang, the general who sent troops to the northern army from the Hegong Palace, imprisoned his land in the arrogance and extravagance of the south, while he marched northward in the sky. He stripped off his clothes to prolong his pet's life, and the horizontal sword has always been famous. The leopard is slightly respectful and sincere, deeply impressed. He sat down and worshipped it, and sooner or later he was surrendered to the city.
When the micro-pavilion of Xu Yanbo Sightseeing Garden encounters snow, it is necessary to make jade to store ice. When it snows, the sun is not needed, and there is still time for the wind dance. Qiongshu stays awake and flowers are full of wisdom. As we all know, Mu He is full of poems.
The original view of Lucky White Deer in Xu Yanbo should be regarded as a phoenix, with eight scenic spots and a turtle basket moving three immortals. The sun and the moon move, and the clouds adorn Xiaotian. The golden boy holds purple medicine, and the jade girl presents purple. The flower hole is reserved as a reward, and the flag is also wrapped in dusk smoke.
It is said that when Feng and the Crown Prince cross the Jean Temple, they should make two wings, which are graceful and eternal and bloom brilliantly. When they leave the light, they will rise to the main hall, and the vibration ring will surround the incense table. The upper bound will be full of flowers and be happy at noon. May you live forever, and may Yue Xian wander again and again.
It is said that the banquet water gives a thousand words to make the willow shine, and a leaf covers the fairy. When Qingpu Chen arrived, Zhucheng was full of breath. Clouds welcome dusk, and grass trees welcome spring. The flag turns to flowers and the weight is clear.
The prologue should be Lu Zang's nine-day visit to Lin Weiting. Last month, the Double Ninth Festival was full, and thousands of cars came from Zhongtian. The cornea was blossomed by Perry, and the chrysanthemum was also blossomed by the wine. Clouds are moving in sacred places, and literary images are returning. I am unable to answer, and I would like to offer 100 million cups.
On the ninth day, Ma Huai Su was lucky enough to climb Lin Weiting, so he should be rewarded with wine words: Cecilia Yip III, Chen Youqi, 1997. Lanjiang leaf mat, chrysanthemum floating wine fragrance. Sunset in Sang Yu, autumn wind breaks willow. Fortunately, Qinghu, I hope to recommend Nanshan Shou.
Ma Huai Su proposed and sent Princess Jincheng to adapt to the western world, thus making Di Zi come to the point where it is today. She emphasized the importance of marriage and adapted herself to different aspects. She left her feelings, stayed away from the beam, looked at the willows in the garden, and was sad to go to the mulberry garden. In her spare time, she wished the yellow crane and looked back.
"beginning of spring" Shen Quanqi, colorful flowers in a day should be made in early spring, and the colors should be predicted when unpacking. Flowers are welcoming and leaves are waiting for the royal feast. Plum blossoms are thin, and peaches are shocked. Peanuts have flowers, peanuts have flowers, accompanied by branches for a long time.
In the dark days of Shen Quanqi, we should make the water satisfy Chen's residence and make the green gate full of weeds. Orchids are noisy, and floating algae overflow the dragon canal. Butterflies in the garden are lazy, and courtiers are not sparse. The stars moved to the sky, singing and dancing to the storeroom.
Shen Quanqi hit Luoyang in the snow, making Zhou Wang Jiazi Dan, and Deyang Palace after the Han Dynasty. Saruiting, the imperial garden is full of surprises. The atmosphere is full of heroism, dancing and returning to the air. Algae are full of light, and songs are full of joy.
At the first banquet of Shenquan Qixian Goose Pavilion, I paid off the first time to make the mountains look harmonious. The road is covered with fairy palm trees and the palace is covered with Rorty. The spring falls next to Xiangxi and peaks into Cui Yun. This is no different from climbing the porch and overlooking the Baihe River in the southeast.
Wang Wei's "Elegy of Prince Edward Xu Gong" seeks to be the prime minister. Feng Yidai Chen Yu, the sword goes to the side of the hall, Diusim's story holds the back car, Qi Hou relaxes the land, and the Han family relies on books. There are still only ten hectares in a secluded place.
Under Liu Yuxi's door, Xiang Gong is honored to add books and enjoy furniture all over the world. Think that the congratulatory letter was ordered by Chen Zhong. This official ceremony has been respected since ancient times. It especially respects the earth and worships outstanding deeds. Then he got the support of Yang Feng and was often taken away by Bao Shi. The Seven Sages are still alive and singing the breeze.
Wang Wei, looking down in the spring rain, from Xianshan Palace to Yonghe Palace, bypassing Qinbao, bypassing Weishui, at the foot of Huangshan Mountain, around the imperial court, passing the south gate willow, came to many clock cars, went to Gongyuan Road, and there were two phoenixes in the clouds on the roof of a Forbidden City. The leaves in spring covered countless rains. Now, the weather is not beautiful.
Du Fu's twelfth lunar month is warm all the year round, but this year's twelfth lunar month has completely frozen. The snow invading the mausoleum is still the color of day lily, and there are wickers in spring. If you want to get drunk at night, you will go home and have a good morning. Mouth fat powder medicine will bless you, and jade tube will hold silver.
Du Fu is a guest who comes to the sun from the solstice in winter. Suddenly he is worried that mud will kill people. The river described me as a lonely old man, the custom of blind date on the horizon. When the snow falls behind, I will come to Danhe, and Yuchao will come to disperse Chen Zi. At this time, my heart is broken and I can't see the lost Sanqin.
Lu Lun sent Cui Nai to fetch a clean jade pot and hitchhike to Tianqu. Every time Shi Jian heard of Zong Jin's filial piety, Liu Xin didn't dare to show off his Confucianism. He advised me to build a suburban temple and suggested that I take a rest and take a shallow map. If I climb into a car today, I will be a fool.
Lu Lun gave the master a five-color incense tower. I repeat, Baoyu gave a magic clock when he acceded to the throne. One step, the famous flowers are constantly floating, and the breath of Buddhism is so strong. After nine days, it was said that the seven ancestors were as close as possible, and their hearts were interlinked. I hope we can meet again in this way, not in the previous lives of Lingshan.
Liu Yuxi went to Suzhou to bid farewell to Chen Zi under Lotte Wu Jun's fish book, and Chang 'an stable official sent Zhu Lun. Second, the south wind turned into a legacy of love, and the Eight Great Fu followed the footsteps of fame. Mr. and Mrs. Liang see Fujian off, and the Lujia brothers are state citizens. In the spring of Jiangcheng, the east belongs to the old owner.
Li Shangyin gave a gift to Mr. Liu, a real person in Huayang Song Dynasty who was exiled to the palace for thousands of years. He still thanked the people of Jolie. But he was surprised that Mao was a fellow immortal, but he didn't know that Liu Lu was a close relative on earth. Yu Jian gave a book as a rumor, and Jinhua returned to Longlin to drive away the cold. Because of the history of the Zhou Dynasty, JOE never had such a body.
Pi Rixiu's headline "Tongguan Lan Ruo Golden Boy Police Strike" has always mentioned that there has been no Ma Si for nearly a hundred years. A strong man does not say three feet of sword, but a counselor takes a pill of mud. He used to ride the wind and waves, but now he lives in the purple west. The customs officer didn't bother to ask questions, but gave up his life and planned to enter the West Field.