Verses with the word "李": Every time I hear that you come and go, you are carrying your luggage. Zheng and Li Guangshi discussed it, and I was the first to write the article. Thinking of Mr. Wei from afar, recalling General Li again, etc.
Verses with the word "horse": Eight horses travel thirty thousand miles in a day. Why does King Mu not do it again? Treasure books and jade swords hang in high pavilions, golden saddles and horses disperse old friends. The golden harness leads to the horse, the brocade belt crosses the dragon spring, and so on.
Verses with the word "萍": If you don't hide the traces, the duckweeds will bloom together. The fluffy catkins in the wind have turned into duckweeds, and the mud lotuses are strong and graceful, and their lotus root silk lingers. Cuscuta and water duckweed will never be moved, etc.