Help each other in the same boat, ride the wind and waves, and sail for Wan Li. "If a thousand people unite, there will be a thousand people's strength; Ten thousand people are unfaithful and no one uses them "(from Huai Nan Zi? A brief training for soldiers). Fight with your heart, the brave cannot advance alone, and the fearful cannot retreat alone. Not as good as a hundred people. Try to be harmonious, and make the best use of people. Strong but not losing, the masses do not hurt each other, in order to make them unite as one. If you stop like a hill and create a storm, you will be invincible. Help each other in the same boat and ride the wind and waves. Wan Li Airlines "Thousands of people are United, and you will gain the strength of thousands of people;" Ten thousand people are unfaithful and no one uses them "(from Huai Nan Zi? A brief training for soldiers). Fight with your heart, the brave cannot advance alone, and the fearful cannot retreat alone. Not as good as a hundred people. Try to be harmonious, and make the best use of people. Strong but not losing, the masses do not hurt each other, in order to make them unite as one. If you stop like a hill and create a storm, you will be invincible. Help each other in the same boat and ride the wind and waves. Wan Li Airlines "Thousands of people are United, and you will gain the strength of thousands of people;" Ten thousand people are unfaithful and no one uses them "(from Huai Nan Zi? A brief training for soldiers). Fight with your heart, the brave cannot advance alone, and the fearful cannot retreat alone. Not as good as a hundred people. Work hard, people make the best use of their talents. Strong without losing each other, all people will not hurt each other, so as to make it work together. Stop like a hill, stop like a storm, and you will be invincible.
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