Xiangyun couldn't help laughing and said, "I said you don't have to talk." If you prefer to say so, how do you answer? " Heaven and earth are endowed with yin and yang, regardless of good and evil, strange and ever-changing, they are all yin and yang. It is a lifetime, and everyone is rare. The reason is still the same. "Cuilv said," So, from ancient times to the present, everything is yin and yang? Xiangyun said with a smile, "Stupid words make you fart more. "。 Everything has yin and yang! What's more, the word' yin and yang' is just one word: Yang is exhausted and Yin is near; It is not the exhaustion of yin that gives birth to another yang, and the exhaustion of yang gives birth to another yin. Cuilv said, "This is so confusing! What is Yin and Yang? The obstacles did not cast a shadow I only asked the girl, what is this yin and yang? Xiangyun said, "This Yin and Yang is just a rage. Only by giving objects can we shape them. For example, the sky is yang and the earth is yin; Water is yin and fire is yang; The sun is yang and the moon is yin. "
Cuilv listened and smiled: "Yes, yes, I understand now! Strange Taoist priests call the sun' the sun' and fortune tellers call the moon' the moon star'. It is for this reason. " Xiangyun said with a smile, "Amitabha! I understand! " Cuilv said, "These things have yin and yang, but don't those mosquitoes, fleas, midges, flowers, grass, tiles and bricks also have yin and yang?" Xiangyun said, "Why not? For example, that leaf is divided into yin and yang. The sun is rising, and the clouds are gathering under the shade. "
Cuilv nodded and smiled. "I see. It's just that the fans in our hands are yin and yang. " Xiangyun said, "Here, the positive is Yang, and the negative is Yin." Cuilv nodded and smiled again. I still have a few things to ask, but I can't remember why. Suddenly I looked down and saw the golden unicorn on the Xiangyun palace sash, so I lifted it and said with a smile, "Girl, is there yin and yang here?" Xiangyun said, "Animals, the male is Yang and the female is Yin; You are yin and you are yang. Why not? " Cuilv asked, "Is this a male or a female?" Xiang Yun spat, "What" male "and" female "! Nonsense again! "
Cuilv said, "It's all right. How come everything has yin and yang, but we don't? " Xiangyun's face fell and said, "Dirty thing, let's go! The more you ask, the better you say! " Cuilv said, "What didn't you tell me? I also know that don't bother me! " Xiangyun said with a smile, "What do you know!" Cuilv said, "The girl is Yang and I am Yin." Xiangyun covered her mouth with a handkerchief and smiled. Cuilv said, "That's right, just laugh!" Xiangyun said, "Very, very!" Cuilv said, "People say that the master is Yang and the slave is Yin. I don't even understand this truth! " Xiangyun said with a smile, "You know it very well!"
Source: A Dream of Red Mansions
You can't solve the mystery of mathematics.