This is "small kindness to raise nobles, great kindness to raise enemies." Doing good requires keen reason. Blindly paying and paying will only encourage the greed of others and raise a "baiwenhang" who bites the hand that feeds him. If you help him a hundred times, he will be ungrateful, but if you don't help him once, he will be resentful.
"The vast sea of people, both sides are wolves; In the world, poisonous snakes hide. A warm snake feeds an unfamiliar wolf; Open your eyes and have to guard against it. " Your kindness needs the edge of reason.
There is an old saying that "helping the poor does not help the lazy, and helping the poor does not help the poor." When someone is in trouble and in urgent need of help, he will gratefully reach out and help him through the difficulties. If you help lazy people save the poor, it will only make them more greedy and dependent on you, just like filling a bottomless pit and eventually dragging themselves down.