Sentence Jian conquered Wu, led troops to cross the Huaihe River in the north, met with the governors of Qi and Jin in Xuzhou and paid tribute to Zhou. Zhou Yuanwang let people give Jane a word, calling his life Bo. Sentence Jane has left. Crossing Huainan, with Huai Shangdi and Chu, was invaded by Song Dynasty, and with Lu Sidong. At that time, the Vietnamese army was rampant in Jiang and Huaidong, and the vassal Bi He was called overlord.
Fan Li left and sent the doctor to plant books, saying, "When the insects are exhausted, the bow hides; A sly rabbit dies, but a running dog cooks. The King of Yue is a bird with a long neck. He can have trouble with * * *, but he is not happy with * * *. Why not go? " If you see a book, you will say that you are ill. People planted a curse, and the King of Yue gave me a sword and said, "Teach me how to attack the State of Wu. I defeated Wu three times, and the fourth was in Zi, so I tried before the teacher." I killed myself.
"Kicking off the Bridge" in Biography of Mushrooms in Yuan Dynasty;
In the first year of Zhiyuan, he worshiped Zhongshu and made peace in state affairs. First discuss the imperial examination, and then take the four sacrifices of the ancestral temple as one sacrifice. Lu Sicheng and others listed their crimes, but they were rejected by the emperor, and Timur in Zhao's car was still sent out. He took part in Youren Xu's political participation when the imperial imperial edict was written and not used. Grandmaster Bo Yan said angrily, "You say Timur is evil?" You Ren said, "Master, because of Timur's propaganda, a book of Han was written. Thirty people in the empire are not afraid of the teacher, but they let it go. How can Ren be overwhelmed? " Bo Yan's explanation. Some people say: "The imperial examination is suspended, and the talents in the world are looking forward to it." Bo Yan said, "Most of them were defeated by stolen goods, and some were fake Mongols." You Ren said: "Before the Imperial Examination, there was no penalty for stolen goods in Taichung. Is it all about raising children? There is nothing wrong with raising a child, but it is less than that. " Bo Yan said, "Only those who participate in politics can be appointed in the promotion." You Ren said, "Ruo, Ma Boyong and Ding can achieve great things. Another example is Ouyang Yuangong's article. How easy is it to do evil? " Bo Yan said: "Although the imperial examination is over, all scholars who want beautiful clothes and delicious food can learn from themselves. What's wrong with not being a big official? " A man said, "The so-called scholar didn't start with food and clothing, but managed the country and made the world a better place." Bo Yan added: "It really hinders the selection of candidates for the imperial examination." Some people say, "The ancients had words, but there was no way to establish sages. Isn't the imperial examination draft better than being born with common sense and knowledge of printing? There are 3325 people in the world today, and there are 456 people over 456. Yudianhong, Taiyi and Hekong are all imported products. Being a road official is not the same as being a son. From April to September this year, 72 people declared themselves as officials in the white body, while the imperial examination was only over 30 at the age of one. A surname. Try to think about it. Does the imperial examination hinder evil when choosing legal results? " However, Bo Yan and YoYo's words have already been decided, and they can't stop. Is to comfort them with gentle words, it is said that there is a nonyl who can speak. I heard someone say, "What's the use of words?" Cherie Timur was there and said, "There is nothing to talk about sitting in politics." One of you said, "Master Zu said I was a wind man and broke the rules, so I can * * * sit evil?" Timur Cherry smiled and said, "I never believed this." Some people say, "If you don't believe in a flat chapter, it's right to have a flat chapter. That's all. " Everyone laughed. The next day, Chongtianmen announced the imperial edict and ordered Arun to be humiliated by the squad leader. If you are afraid of disaster, you should follow it. Scholar Shi Puhua said, "Participating in politics can be described as kicking down the bridge." I feel it is a great shame to have a servant, so I can't get rid of my illness. ?
2. What poems describe kicking off the bridge? 1. A sly rabbit dies and a running dog cooks; High birds are exhausted, good bows are hidden; Destroy the enemy and the counselor will die.
Source: Han Sima Qian's Historical Records: The Family of Gou Jian, King of Yue.
Interpretation: When the bird is gone, the bow will be hidden and not used. When the hare dies, the hounds will cook it and eat it. It is a metaphor for kicking people who have made contributions away after things are successful.
2. "Participating in politics can be described as kicking down the bridge".
Source: Yuan Shi "Biography of Mushrooms in the Ruling and Opposition"
Interpretation: A metaphor is to kick someone who has helped you away after achieving a certain goal.
You don't want me to kick down the ladder.
Source: Yuan Kang Jinzhi's "Li Kui jy Negative Spine" is the third fold
Interpretation: After things are successful, kick the people who go forward together.
Pronunciation: guò hé chāi qiáo
Interpretation: kick down the bridge. It is a metaphor for kicking people who have made contributions away after things are successful.
Synonyms: birds hide their bows, rabbits and dead dogs cook their gratitude, and they don't report their income, forgetting their roots and ingratitude.
Antonym: drinking water, thinking about the source, knot grass and be grateful.
Usage: Xiangzi suffered so much that the old man turned against him and refused to recognize anyone. They are unfair to Xiangzi. Lao She's Camel Xiangzi Fourteen
Make sentences:
1. Keep in touch with them and don't burn your bridges, especially if you are still in this line.
2. I firmly believe that "many people work hard, but few people eat steamed buns". For entrepreneurs, they are not only afraid of their contribution to Gao Zhen, but also afraid of asking for money. The day when enterprises embark on the fast lane of steady development is the time to kill the donkey by tearing down the bridge. This seemingly clever approach will often only lead to the end of "financial decentralization".
3. Politics stresses reality, and when you are not needed, it is of course to kick down the ladder.
4. "Kick down the bridge" is really a despicable means, and we should not advocate it.
Nine months ago, commentators of China's official news agency Xinhua lamented that Rio Tinto's "burning bridges" was "treachery".
3. Idiom Story Old Chinese: Kick down the ladder (400 words) The next day, talented people in the world will resent it.
After that, he made an excuse to say that he was ill. He told Bo Yan, the prime minister of Zhongshu Right, and told him sarcastically in his ear that hundreds of officials had returned to their offices.
An imperial envoy named Pu Hua came to see him specially, and the civil servants of the Qing Dynasty were called to Chongtianmen to listen to the imperial edicts issued by the emperor and prepare to issue the imperial examination system. Now you're a man who burns down the bridge. Listen and read the imperial edict. "
Bo Yan pointed out that your participation in politics depends on the imperial examinations. You knelt in front and never went to court again. Xu is asked to listen and read in class, just like a person will tear down the bridge after crossing it. When he participated in politics, he promised to oppose it, so he had to kneel in front of hundreds of officials to listen to the imperial edict, and quoted many senior officials recruited at that time to refute it. There are even more people who take bribes and bend the law: "If the imperial examination system is abolished, it seems to be abolished. Bo Yan certainly won't change his point of view. The two men argued fiercely. Xu bowed his head and walked unhappily in the Yuan Dynasty. Now he has read the imperial edict about abolishing the imperial examination system.
The imperial edict has not yet been issued. "Xu is unconvinced:" Participate in politics. "
I mean, but I'm afraid of offending the emperor. He is very reluctant: "If we continue to implement the imperial examination system, we will listen to Timur's memorial, and we may feel ashamed and angry.