Original text:
Confucius said, "A gentleman doesn't want to eat enough, and he doesn't want peace. He is sensitive to things and cautious in speaking, so he has a proper way. Can be said to be eager to learn.
Confucius said, "Being rich and expensive is what people want; If you don't follow the path, there is nowhere. Poverty and meanness are disgusting to people; Don't go if you don't get it by the way. Isn't it good to be famous if a gentleman goes to benevolence? If a gentleman has no final food, he will violate benevolence and will do it again. " ("Li Ren")
Confucius said, "Five out of ten, I am determined to learn; I am thirty years old; Forty without confusion; At the age of fifty, I knew my destiny; I am obedient at the age of sixty; I am still obedient at the age of seventy; I didn't cross the line. " (Politics)
Confucius said, "Learning without thinking is useless, and thinking without learning is dangerous." (Politics)
Confucius said, "Boy, why did Mo Xuefu write poetry?" Poetry can be appreciated, watched, grouped and resented. Your father is a thing and your father is a distant thing. Learn more about the names of birds, animals and plants "(Yang Huo)
Confucius said: "a gentleman does not pursue satiety when eating;" Live without pursuing comfort; Diligent and agile, but cautious in speaking; Get close to a moral and learned person, learn from him and correct your own shortcomings, which can be called studious. "
Confucius said: "dignitaries, this is what everyone wants;" But if it is not obtained through proper means, a gentleman will not enjoy it. Poverty and meanness are disgusting to everyone, but if you get rid of them by improper means, a gentleman would rather not get rid of them. If a gentleman violates the code of benevolence, how can he achieve his name? A gentleman will not have time to leave Rende for dinner. Even if you are in a hurry, you must abide by the principle of benevolence, and you must be with benevolence when you are displaced. "
Confucius said: "I became interested in learning when I was fifteen." At the age of thirty, I can do things independently. At the age of forty, I don't have to be confused. At the age of fifty, I learned what human resources can't control. Sixty years old, I can listen to different opinions. At the age of seventy, I can do whatever I want without overstepping the bounds. "
Confucius said: "If you just study without thinking, you will feel confused and at a loss. If you just dream of not studying, you will be full of doubts and have no fixed opinions. "
Confucius said, "Why don't students learn the Book of Songs? The book of songs can stimulate the mind, improve observation, cultivate group concept and learn anti-grammar. Recently, you can use reason to serve your parents; It can be used to serve the monarch and learn more about the names of birds, animals and plants. "
Appreciation of Five Analects of Confucius
This book is a record of the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples. It consists of several chapters, most of which are about the general principles of learning, moral cultivation and dealing with people. All five items in this text are recorded.
The five items selected in this lesson, on the one hand, show that learning should have a modest and studious attitude and the spirit of being diligent, inquisitive and seeking truth from facts; On the other hand, it expounds the learning methods of reviewing the old and learning the new, combining learning with thinking, and applying what they have learned, which have great influence on the educational theory of later generations. In addition, there is the problem of ideological and moral cultivation and the educational principle of dealing with people.
The above contents refer to Baidu Encyclopedia-Baidu Chinese.