I mean a hundred universes/rumi.
The universe needs some time.
Carve you carefully and make you different.
/Ruby Kaul
You are just a child in the universe.
No different from plants and stars.
Max ellman
Don't be surprised that it doesn't work.
Because the universe is much bigger than you.
/Alain de Botton
There is only one moon in the sky.
There is only one you/Charlotte Brontexq.
Young people don't believe everything, but love everything.
Worship idols and stars, girls, hope and despair.
You're here.
A green moon fell into my young hut.
A body that can lift the moon.
Must have carried countless sunsets/Yu Xiuhua.
My youth is a gloomy storm.
Bright sunlight leaks from the stars.
The moon causes a weak tide between the ears.
/J.M. Coetzee