What does it mean that the tree wants to be quiet and the wind will not stop, and the son wants to raise and the relatives are not there? Whose poem is this?

The tree wants to be "quiet" but the wind will not stop, and the child wants to raise it but not close.

From Han Shu Han Ying Chuan.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, Confucius was traveling abroad with his disciples when he suddenly heard a cry by the roadside. He stopped to ask why. The weeping man said, "When I was young, I was eager to learn and studied abroad. When I came back, my parents died. When I was a child, I was not there when I used to serve my parents, just like' the tree wants to be quiet but the wind will not stop'; Today, I want to support my parents. My relatives are not here. The deceased is gone, and his feelings are unforgettable, so he feels sad and cries. "

It goes without saying that it is quiet to borrow trees, but the wind will not stop. Unfortunately, when the son of man wanted to honor his parents, both parents died. The latter metaphor is counterproductive and unsatisfactory. Or the objective situation is contrary to the subjective desire, use this language more.