Why do you think of the lights (red and blue) on the police car? What's the lamp for?

Police car lights are used to identify and clear the way when performing tasks. Ordinary people know that the police are coming when they see the red and blue lights flashing in the distance. It's nothing to flash by.

Some police cars belong to "plainclothes police cars" and are performing special tasks, such as secret investigation and tracking. If the police directly drive a standard police car, they will not reveal their identity. So I only drive some ordinary-looking cars. But there are also special circumstances, such as the suspect being followed. You can't just chase plainclothes police cars. What should I do if I hit a passerby? Then turn on the police lights temporarily.

Sometimes there is a big task, and the standard police car is not enough. Other vehicles in the police station have to install warning lights to perform the task.