Prime Minister Liu asked what is high and what is low, what is east and what is west, what is fat and what is thin.

The emperor examined the question of "what is high, what is low, what is east, what is west, what is thick, what is thin and what is fat".

There is no meeting between gentlemen. Just ask liuyong. Unexpectedly, Liu Yong drank too much, so he casually told him, "Cucumber is high, eggplant is low, melon is east, watermelon is west, drinking is coarse, money is fine, sheep tendon is fine, and sheep tail is fat."

The next day, the gentleman told the emperor this set of words. The emperor was furious, reprimanded him and asked Liu Yong the same question. Liu Yong was awake, and naturally he answered very well: "Your Majesty is above, I am below, my brother is in the east, I am kind, my humanity is thin, first frost is thin, and spring rain is fat."