The reason why people have this idea is usually related to different parts of the brain connected with their left and right hands. The human brain is also amazing. Our left brain controls our right hand and our right brain controls our left hand. It is precisely because the left hand is controlled by the right half of our brain, and in the base of all human beings, the proportion of left-handed people is much less. According to the statistics of some polling agencies, only about 10% of the people in the world are left-handed, and the most shocking thing is that the probability of being left-handed is the same no matter where in the world, and it is the same. It is precisely because of this result that people always simply think that left-handed people are smarter than right-handed people.
A research report shows that one out of every five outstanding talents is left-handed, and there are many left-handed talents who have made great contributions to human history. Such as Einstein, Chaplin and Da Vinci. However, relying on these conditions alone shows that left-handed people are smarter than right-handed, which is obviously biased. In research activities, the number and statistical errors of research, as well as the samples of a single study are easily influenced by the analysis structure, and the results are often not very scientific.
In fact, no scientific research shows that left-handed people are smarter, and left-handed people don't have any innate advantages. In reality, a large part of the reasons for using left-handed or right-handed people are determined by parents' genes. If both parents are left-handed, they are more likely to have left-handed children. Using modern science, we can see from color Doppler ultrasound whether a child is used to his right hand or left hand before birth. Of course, if all human beings in the world are taken as the base, right-handed people are much taller than left-handed people.