The thatched roof of the hut is low and small, and the stream is covered with green grass. Drunk Wu local drunk, gentle voice, white-haired old man who is it? The eldest son is weeding in the bean field on the east side of the stream, and the second son is busy knitting chicken cages. I like children and scoundrels best, lying on the head of the stream peeling lotus flowers.
There are many beautiful days in spring and autumn, and new poems are written on the mountain. It's better to call each other after crossing the door, so there's wine to consider. Farming goes back to hometown, and leisure needs acacia. Acacia put on her clothes and laughed endlessly. This truth is invincible, and inaction will come to this place at once. Food and clothing should be disciplined, and efforts should not be bullied.
The north and south of the thatched cottage are all springs, and the flock of gulls flew in. The old lady didn't sweep the flower path for the guests. Today, it's only for you. Chai Men hasn't opened it for you yet, but it will open it for you today. Too far from the city, too far from good food, too thin family background, only old wine. Shall we call my old neighbor to join us, call him through the fence and empty the jar? .
Everything goes well and your family is happy. I wish you all the best. Zhumen opens the Spring Festival scene in the north; Purple gas is good luck from the East. Yifeng is full and happy New Year; Guotai min' anhai is happy. Whether rich or poor, happiness does not depend on money. Luxury is dim, the rich are brilliant, and the poor are elegant.
Poetry refers to the traditional poetry of Han nationality in China, represented by ancient poems, modern poems and metrical words. It is also one of the characteristics of Chinese character cultural circle. Generally speaking, poetry is more suitable for "expressing ambition" and words are more suitable for "expressing emotion".
Poetry is a literary art that elucidates the soul, while poets and poets need to master mature artistic skills and express social life and human spiritual world with concise language, dense composition, rich emotions and rich images in a highly concentrated way according to strict rhythm requirements.
China's poetry originated in the pre-Qin period and flourished in the Tang Dynasty. China's ci originated in Sui and Tang Dynasties and was popular in Song Dynasty. China's poetry originates from the people, but it is actually a kind of grass-roots literature. In China in the 2nd/kloc-0th century, poetry is still favored by the public.
In today's social life, it is the need of China culture to inherit and develop traditional poetry. The charm and charm of traditional poetry are more easily accepted, which is the unique charm and function of Chinese.