"Kawaryanagi" is a form of poetry. The syllables are the same as "Haiku". It also has 17 syllables, arranged in the order of 5, 7, 5. But it is not as strict as haiku, and it is not restricted by "seasonal language". Most of Sichuan Liu's content is to ridicule social phenomena, and he writes whatever comes to mind. Written casually, relaxed and humorous.
Ci めるのか日子よその Position俺にくれ
The voice of the wife in the past ときめきnow moves with palpitations
The father's 帰る一一愿ぶ狗のポチ
まだbedてる帰ってみればもう Sleepingてる
正り向くな哕炛肖取 捴中
売る人の色见てやめた Cosmetics
< p>ピアスまではずして weighing scale出ちゃったMarriageしちゃってfullきちゃった
Species name: Salix hylonoma
Scientific name: Salix hylonoma Schneid.
Alias: -
< p>Family: SalicaceaeGenus: Salix
Origin Distribution
Produced in northwest Yunnan, Sichuan, Guizhou, southeastern Gansu, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Hebei and northwest Anhui.
Morphological characteristics
Small tree, 3-6 meters high. Young branches are hairy, later hairless, reddish brown. Leaf bud = angular-mao-shaped, apex slightly incurved. The leaves are oval, oblong-lanceolate, ovate-lanceolate or ovate, 2.5-7 (8.5) cm long, 1.5-2.3 cm wide, the apex is acuminate, and the base is wide and wedge-shaped to Slightly heart-shaped. The upper surface is green, and young leaves often appear brownish red. The lower surface is hairless or hairy, and sparsely downy. Young leaves are often mixed with golden pubescence, light green, with obvious veins on both sides, and inconspicuous fine glandular teeth on the edge. The margin is sparsely entire. Flowers and leaves open at the same time, or may be called open slightly earlier. The inflorescence is usually 3-4 (6) cm long and about 6 mm thick, showing a golden luster, with almost no peduncle; 2 stamens, completely connate or only filaments connate to varying degrees. The base is pilose, the anthers are reddish-purple, broadly oval; the bracts are oval or obovate, often with long golden hairs on both sides; the gland is 1, ventral, narrow cylindrical, nearly as long as the bracts} The female inflorescence is 5- 7 cm [infructescence up to 8 (-12) cm], 7 mm thick; ovary ovate and red, sessile or with short stalk, pubescent, obvious style, 2-lobed, stigma 2-lobed; bracts , glands are the same as those of male flowers. Capsule has short stalk, sparsely pubescent, 4 mm long.