In 202 BC, Xiang Yu was surrounded by the Han army in Gaixia. Xiang Yu had few troops and no food. At night, the sound of Chu songs came from the Han camp, and Xiang said sadly, "I tried my best to pull the mountain out of the world, but the timing was unfavorable and the dark horse refused to run." The horse stopped running. What should we do? Concubine, concubine, what shall we do? "Xiang Yu broke through in the middle of the night and fled to Dongcheng. There were only 28 soldiers left, but there were thousands of pursuers. Xiang Yu said: "I started my army for eight years, fought more than 70 battles, and never lost. Today, this is the death of God! "When I fled to Wujiang, there was a boat in the pavilion of Wujiang, which could ferry one person and one horse, but Xiang Yu said," At the beginning, 8,000 children crossed the river with me, and today I am the only one who goes back. How can I face the elders in Jiangdong! " Finally, Xiang Yu choked his neck and went to Wujiang River.
Wang Zun, a poet of the Five Dynasties, once wrote: "After the defeat of Xiang Yu, he bowed his bow and lost his reputation. He was alone in deus ex and Jiangdong, but he could not go back. Although the hero is gone, his shy face is worried. "