Memorial day ceremony in the United States

The two ceremonies were merged in 1868, and the northern states held this ceremony on May 30th. The children recited poems and sang civil war songs. Veterans wearing uniforms and medals came to school to tell children stories about the Civil War. Then the veterans followed the citizens to the cemetery. They decorated soldiers' graves and took pictures of soldiers standing beside the national flag. Fire a gun into the air and pay tribute to the northern soldiers who gave their lives to safeguard the integrity and unity of the United States.

1882, this festival was renamed Memorial Day, also to mourn the soldiers who died in the previous war. In the northern States of the United States, this day is designated as a legal holiday. Southern States mourn the soldiers who died in different periods. 197 1 year, President Nixon declared Memorial Day and other festivals as national holidays, and Memorial Day was scheduled for the last Monday in May.

All cities in the United States hold ceremonies on the last Monday in May to pay tribute to the men and women who died for their country.

Memorial Day is not limited to honoring American soldiers. This is also a festival of missing. Families and individuals miss their dead relatives. They go to church to pray, visit cemeteries, offer flowers and even mourn, which makes the day look solemn. This is a memorable day. But now, many Americans regard this day as the beginning of summer and spend their three-day weekend on the beach, on the mountain or at home.

In Waterloo, new york, this tradition has not been lost. In fact, its significance has even become more special. President lyndon johnson declared Waterloo the birthplace of 1966 Memorial Day, after the first ceremony began 100. On May 30th every year, citizens still walk to the cemetery to hold some commemorative ceremonies. They decorated the cemetery with flags and flowers, and then walked to the park in the city center. In the center of the park, next to a monument dedicated to soldiers, sailors and sailors, people read Gatsby's speech, followed by General Logan's order 1 1 announcing the decoration day. The country choir sings patriotic songs. Pupils will take part in the parade in the evening.