1. The key to government is to recruit people. If people are not using their talents, it will be difficult to govern. Those appointed today must be based on virtue and knowledge. ——Wu Jing
2. There is a long period between today and tomorrow; while you still have energy, learn to do things quickly. ——Germany Goethe
3. Frankness is the product of honesty and courage. ——Mark Twain
4. Not all shiny things are gold; not all beautiful words are good words. ——English Shakespeare
5. Money can make people greedy, sex can make people addicted, fame can make people jealous, and potential can make people rely on it. Now that the four troubles have gone, how can they remain in the dust? - Shao Yong
6. Integrity is the example of the people, and greed is the thief of the people. ——Bao Zheng
7. Don’t envy peonies for their wealth, but they are sweeter than pears and oranges.
——Qi Baishi