Foreign ancient poetry, shorter

The furthest distance in the world

Author: Rabindranath Tagore (India)

The furthest distance in the world

It is not life and death The distance

But I am standing in front of you

You don’t know I love you

The farthest distance in the world

No I stand in front of you

You don’t know that I love you

But I love you to the point of obsession

But you can’t say I love you

The furthest distance in the world

It’s not that I can’t say I love you

It’s that I miss you so much that my heart aches

but I can only bury it deep in my heart


The furthest distance in the world

It’s not that I can’t say I miss you

It’s that we love each other

but can’t be together


The farthest distance in the world

It is not loving each other

but not being able to be together

It is knowing that true love is invincible

But pretending not to care

The furthest distance in the world

is not the distance between trees

but the branches growing from the same root


But we cannot rely on each other in the wind

The furthest distance in the world

It is not the branches that cannot rely on each other

It is the stars looking at each other< /p>

But there are no intersecting trajectories

The farthest distance in the world

It is not the trajectories between stars

It is even though the trajectories intersect< /p>

But you can’t find it in an instant

The furthest distance in the world

It’s not that you can’t find it in an instant

It’s that we haven’t met yet

They are destined not to be together

The farthest distance in the world

is the distance between fish and birds

One is in the sky, the other is not Dive deep into the sea.

Hope to adopt