Pushkin's evaluation of Peter the Great

Pushkin once said: "As for Peter the Great, he is a whole history!" In order to express his memory and respect for this great man, Pushkin decided to write a history of Peter the Great. He started his preparations at 183 1. 1833 entered the stage of substantive conception, and his interest turned to the study of pugachev. In this way, the history of Peter the Great becomes an unfinished work. However, he completed this "whole history" in another special form, that is, Peter's literary works. 1. "Always be a laborer on the throne" In Pushkin's works, Peter the Great is a great enlightener, reformer, designer and architect in modern Russia. The poem "Standing" (1826) wrote: "He touched people's hearts with truth,/He alcoholized customs with knowledge"; "He spread civilization with arbitrary hands/bravely"; He is "an academician, a hero, a navigator and a carpenter." /With an all-embracing heart,/He will always be a laborer on the throne. A few short lines of poetry condensed Peter's great achievements: with his strong physique, tenacious personality, hands-on spirit, iron fist means and super personal charm, he broke through many obstacles, forged ahead in uncivilized land, sowed the seeds of civilization in backward Russia, fundamentally improved Russia's "hard power" and "soft power" and laid the foundation for Russia to enter a modern country.