Xunzi: "There is no learning and no righteousness, and wealth and benefit the people are laymen."
Laozi: "If the avenue is abandoned, there will be benevolence and righteousness. When wisdom comes out, there is a big mistake. "
Zhao Qi's note: "If there is benevolence, it can be named. There are advantages and disadvantages. "
Zhu Zhu's note: "Benevolence is the heart of virtue and the principle of loving others. Righteous people, the system of the heart, the right thing. "
Your courtiers are courteous and loyal.
You told me to die, and I had to die.
A gentleman thinks loyalty. -Song Sima Guang's "Diligence and Training Show Health"
Be loyal to others wholeheartedly, and be loyal if you don't bully yourself. -Song Sima Guang's four-character inscription.
Disloyal friends always resent for a long time. -Chu Xiangjun's Nine Songs
Yan Zhitui's "Family Instructions of Yan Family in Northern Qi Dynasty": "Loyal ministers are partial to the Lord and abandon their relatives, while dutiful sons forget their country and do their own thing."
Yan Zhitui in the Northern Qi Dynasty wrote "Yan Family Training for Health": "If you are sincere and filial, you will see a thief; Righteousness is offensive; If you go bankrupt and serve the country, the gentleman will not blame. "
Tang Taizong wrote in the poem "To Xiao Yu": "Strong winds know grass, and steady swings know loyal ministers."
The Book of Rites: "A gentleman should be respectful and sincere, beautiful and sincere."
Celebrate your birthday with a sachet: "Before you realize honesty and clarity in your life, you should be filial first."
Chen Ming Zilong's poem "Sending Stones to Take the Exam in Yan Dou" says: "Lang Ran's heart is frozen and sincere for ten years."