Whose work is the symphonic sketch of the sea?

Symphonic sketch The Sea is a work by Debussy.

A beautiful picture of the sea, the symphonic sketch "The Sea". When the sea becomes a creative inspiration, whether it is memories, imagination, or paintings, it becomes Debussy's nourishment and is injected into music.

"La Mer" (La Mer) is the largest symphony work by French composer Debussy, composed between 1905 and 1905. This symphony contains three movements, which the composer himself called "three symphonic sketches".

In fact, its level of sophistication is much higher than that of a "sketch". Although its form departs from tradition, its exquisite and concise musical design is convincing enough to prove itself impeccably.

For a French composer, such a large-scale and precise creation is rare. French music is rooted in the spiritual soil of Couperin and Rameau. They pursue sensitive, charming touch and elegant intonation.

Therefore, small, delicate and orderly music is more in line with French taste. Symphony, a large-scale, reflective and abstract music form, is more in line with the characteristics of the Germanic nation.

In this symphony with a powerful and open structure, there is no ambiguity or inaccuracy. Both the use of harmonic colors and the combination of orchestration are extremely clear and subtle. But in "La Mer", Debussy found his own way of expression in this one.