Ask for the Chinese lyrics of "I am here".

I am a Christian. This song has a Christian background. Although I don't know much about the collocation of lyrics and music, I think the lyrics should be translated on this premise. In the past, my friend's translation was very poetic, but it lost the creator's original desire for God. Lord, send me. It is also Isaiah's heartfelt response when he heard the call of the Lord in the Bible-Lord, here I am, please send me. The singer's heart, like Isaiah's, should be translated as: Lord, send me.

the first paragraph

Sometimes your call appears in dreams. Sometimes your call comes from a dream, and sometimes in the breath of the Holy Spirit, you touch my deepest hope and call for eternal things. You know my inner hope and longing for eternity.

But I am a person covered with dust and stains. But what a small and dirty person I am.

You entered me. So I can say, just because you started working in my heart, I want to say:


I'm here. God sent me. I'm here. God sent me.

I have devoted my whole life, and I am willing to dedicate my life as a living sacrifice.

Here I am, Lord, send me, here I am, Lord, send me.

My story is part of your plan, and my story is also part of your plan.

I am here.

When setbacks, failures and setbacks test my confidence and leave me empty-handed, I fail.

Aren't you the closest when it's the hardest to stand? You are the closest person to me when I am in pain. I know you will finish what you have started. I know it started with you, and you will definitely complete the broken part of your redemption and become a song that I can sing. You saved me from breaking and turned it into my poem. I want to praise you.


I'm here. God sent me. I'm here. God sent me.

I have devoted my whole life, and I am willing to dedicate my life as a living sacrifice.

Here I am, Lord, send me, here I am, Lord, send me.

My story is part of your plan, and my story is also part of your plan.

I am here.

The third paragraph

I am overwhelmed by my weakness, and my weak will has defeated me. I am afraid that I will eventually let you down, and I am afraid that I will eventually let you down. I'm just a pawn in the chaos. I'm just a part of it. I can't solve all the problems, but you can.


I'm here. God sent me. I'm here. God sent me.

I have devoted my whole life, and I am willing to dedicate my life as a living sacrifice.

Here I am, Lord, send me, here I am, Lord, send me.

My story is part of your plan, and my story is also part of your plan.

I am here.