Baby version for 1 to 2 years old
The starting line for comprehensive cultivation of living habits, emotional intelligence, cognition, language, and motor abilities.
DVD disc, CD disc, cardboard hardcover game book, double-sided story picture book, educational toys, parent guidance manual
Teenage edition for 2 to 3 years old
< p>Living habits, safety awareness, thinking expansion, and entering the kindergarten happily and confidently.DVD discs, CD discs, handmade bags, reading game books, Chinese story picture books, educational toys, parent guidance manuals
Lele version for 3 to 4 years old
< p>Comprehensive cultivation of character development, intellectual development, social interaction, and safety education.DVD discs, CD discs, educational game books, reading games, Chinese story picture books, English story picture books, educational toys, parent guidance manuals
Children's edition for 4 to 5 years old
Comprehensive cultivation of thinking ability, social skills and self-management ability.
DVD discs, CD discs, creative exploration packages, reading game books, educational game books, Chinese story picture books, English story picture books, educational toys
'Growing up from 5 to 6 years old Edition
Independent learning, creative exploration, preparation for admission, comprehensive and easy admission
DVD disc, CD disc, admission preparation game book, encyclopedia story picture book, Chinese story picture book, English story Picture books, creative exploration bags, educational toys