Friends who know French, please provide a poem or beautiful prose about environmental protection.

You can make do with excerpts from the website.

Attached page address: ecology and environment.

Nettoye, I respect you very much.

Long live tri!

Industrial pollution, you're welcome!

The recycler is the master of the future.

Ecological organization and ecological politics.

Nicholas Yulo, lécolo!

Nettoye, I respect your future.

Renewable energy, commercial value.

Three o'clock.

Luton pollution control association.

It's not funny.

Trier, this is a joke.


Les container (Poème 8)

Silicon in neon circulating gas

A new past

Puss? A pollue

Respect the environment

This is a long-term advantage.

No wallet

Imagine a beautiful world.

Long live José Bove.

The earth just disappeared!
