English poems about love 1 love
She cried sympathetically and happily,
She blushed? With love and virgin shame;
Like a whisper in a dream,
I heard her call out my name.
Shy seeds of love,
Love, joy and tears;
Like whispering in a dream,
Hongyun's face is full of calls to him.
Love Poems on Marriage II-Cahill Ji Bolun
On Marriage —— Ji Bolun
You were born together and will always be together.
When the white wings of death disperse your days, you should be together.
Yes, even in God's silent memory, you will be together.
You were born together and will be together forever.
When the white wings of death fly over your lives, you should also be together.
Yes, even in God's silent memory, you will always be together.
But let your unity have room,
Let the winds of heaven dance between you.
Love each other, but don't be bound by love:
Let it be an ocean flowing between the shores of your souls.
Please keep some space in your common world,
So the wind in the air can dance between you.
Love each other, but don't let love be a bondage.
Let love be the sea flowing between the coastlines of your souls.
Fill each other's glasses, but don't drink from a glass.
Give the other person your bread, but don't eat the same piece of bread.
Sing and dance together and have fun, but leave each of you alone.
Just like the strings of a lute are independent, although they vibrate with the same tune.
Give your hearts, but don't give them to each other for safekeeping.
Because only the hand of life can hold your hearts.
Fill each other's glasses, but don't just take a sip.
Give your bread to each other, but don't enjoy the same piece.
The two of them sing and dance together and enjoy the fun together, but they still have to keep themselves.
Just as the strings on the piano vibrate for the same melody, the piano and the strings are separated from each other.
Giving your heart does not mean that you hold each other's heart tightly.
Because only the hand of life can hold your hearts.
Stand together, but not too close:
Because the pillars of the temple are separated,
Oaks and cypresses do not grow in each other's shadow.
Should stand together, but not too close,
Because the pillars are separated, they can support the temple.
Oaks and conifers can't grow in each other's shade.
English poems about love 3 blank happiness blank happiness
Lai Na Maria Rick
He didn't come, didn't he make up his mind
Still, to organize and decorate my heart?
If we exist to be the people we love,
What does the heart need to create?
He didn't come, didn't he make up his mind?
To manage and decorate my heart?
If we must exist and be the people we love,
So what else must be created with heart?
Lovely happiness left a blank, maybe you are.
The center of all my labor and love.
If I cry for you, it's because.
I like you better among so many outlined happiness.
Lovely joy left a blank, maybe you are.
The core of all my efforts and love.
If I always cry for you, it's because.
I'd rather you were immersed in so much joy.