Talking about God

The origin and end of Christ

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Messiah, the birth of Christ, is recorded in the Book of Samuel. All the Israelites asked Judge Samuel to "set up a king to rule over us, just as he ruled over all nations". Samuel prayed to God. The Lord said to him, "Listen to everything the people say to you. Because they don't hate you, but they hate me and don't want me to be their king. " People don't regard God as king, which is why Christ came into being. If they set up Christ, they will offend God.

Why do the Israelites want to establish a king? There is a king who rules us, leads us and fights for us. On the basis of two political parties, Israelis have their enemies. On the basis of the two parties, it is impossible for Israelis to know God, and the spirit of God is not among them. They need to build a king against the enemy. Samuel took a bottle of oil and poured it on Saul's head, and kissed him, saying, Did not the Lord anoint you ruler over his inheritance? "The oil was poured on Saul's head, and Saul became the first anointed king. Samuel said to the Israelites, The LORD your God is your king. . Christianity recognizes Christ as God and Savior. The Lord said, "No one knows the Savior of other gods except me" (Ho 13: 4). The anointed Christ is the concrete counterpart of believers, and the two sides are even. Worship of Christ is idolatry. The Lord said to the idolatrous Israelites, "I will punish their sins only on the day of punishment" (Exodus 32: 35).

Saul was anointed as Christ, and his seven descendants were killed by the Lord after the barley harvest. David was anointed as Christ, and at the time of wheat harvest, the Lord killed 70 thousand people. This is a symbol, a metaphor. Jesus said, "When the harvest comes, pick up the tares." . The Lord said, "I gave you the king in my anger, and I took the king away in my fierce anger" (Ho 13: 1 1). Messiah, the king of Israel-Christ, should be abolished according to God's will.

Isaiah predicted that the descendants of David would give birth to Christ, but Jesus denied that he was the Christ because he could not be the descendants of David. Say, "the king of this world has come, and he has nothing in me." When Jesus was alive, he said several times not to tell anyone that he was Christ. He knew that his disciples needed to say that he was Christ, so he said, "When the Son of Man is lifted up, you will know that I am Christ." . The history of Christianity is the process that God gave birth to the human spirit. In this process, there needs to be Christ, Jesus needs to be recognized as Christ, and Christ needs to be abolished at the expiration of birth. Therefore, Jesus, who embodies God's will, should not only set the stage for getting rid of Christ in the future, but also make people recognize him as Christ. In the fourth chapter of the Gospel of John, the woman who drew water said, "I know that the Messiah (who is called Christ) is coming", and Jesus said, "This is the man you are talking to". In verse 27, the disciples don't know why Jesus "spoke to him". In verse 34, Jesus said that he "did the will of him who sent me and finished his work". The role of Jesus as Christ is to play a role in the cultivation of human spirit by God. Christ in the womb is like nourishing water, which should be discharged as filth when giving birth.

In the Old Testament, the Gospels metaphorically predicted things in the spiritual realm. But Ephraim will bring out his children and give them to the slayer. Lord, give it to them, and then what? Make them miscarry and dry up ",chapter 9 of He. The birth of the Holy Spirit is associated with the fact that Christ is no longer king. "His king will be destroyed, like foam on the water." Chapter 10 of He. God's production of human spirit is also the birth of his own new spirit. Chapter 13 of Improper Delay in Delivery.

In the New Testament era, people can't believe in Jesus unless they admit that he is Christ. At that time, people believed in the king just like the ancient people in China worshipped the emperor, and recognized Jesus as a disciple of Christ. Jesus said, "All of you will fall for me." Peter said that Jesus was the Christ, and Jesus said that he "denied me three times before the cock crowed." When the rooster crows, the sky is bright, and it is obvious that Christ is a filthy dress on Jesus. As a priest of Christ, "Joshua was dressed in filthy clothes", and the angel of God commanded "Take off his clothes" (Isaiah 3: 3-4). Christ will be removed, and this is the end of the anointed king. The ninth chapter of Daniel predicts that "the anointed will be cut off and have nothing".

If we look at the Old Testament and the Gospels with this clue, we will know that there is a real and living God, and we will understand Jesus among the gods.