The hero statue in front of the office building
The smoke of gunfire
Has long since dissipated
Land of suffering
Chunnuan Ren Jian
There is steel that has not been baked for a long time.
Start casting
A rough outline
Powerful arm
A dark face
It's in front of the office building
Create statues of seven heroes
Seven statues and seven heroes
Seven stories reveal
Fire and light for seven days and seven nights
Blood spilled on the earth.
The soul ascended to the sky.
Heroes become these statues.
The weight of these statues
Let the earth become dignified.
The height of these statues
Everyone should look up.
Whenever the bugle sounded.
People in class
Please step forward.
Because if you park here,
You can't help but hold your breath
Your eyes will become moist.
And then like a cloud
be all tears
Your hands can't help shaking.
Can't help but feel it.
The iron bones of these heroes
Clashing oath behind the iron shelf
-For the peace of the people
For the prosperity of the motherland
We are willing to
Turn into a statue!