Warring States period. Song Yu's Gao Tang Fu
In those days, King Xiang of Chu and Song Yu swam on the platform of Yunmeng, looking at the scenery of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, suddenly changed their faces and changed endlessly. Wang Wenyu: "Why are you angry?" Jade said to him, "The so-called cloud worshippers are also." The king said, "What is the cloud?" Jade said, "In the past, the former king tried to visit Gaotang, and he slept in the daytime and dreamed of a daughter saying," My concubine is also the daughter of Wushan. As a guest of Gaotang. Wen Jun traveled to Gaotang and wanted to recommend a pillow pad. "Wang Yinxing. When I was leaving, I said, "My concubine is in the sun of Wushan, and the hills and valleys hinder me. It is raining at dusk. Morning and evening, under the balcony. 檚檚檚檚檚檚檚檚檚檚檚檚檚檚檚檚. "
The king said, "What will happen when the clouds begin to rise?" Jade said to him, "when it first came out, it was too loose for me (shí, the tree stood upright);" It is also not so profound, clear and clear, looking forward to the sky, but looking forward to thinking; Suddenly my face changed. If I was driving a horse, I would build a feather flag. It's like the wind, it's like the rain and the wind stop raining, and the clouds are nowhere. " The king said, "Can I swim today?" Jade said, "Yes." The king said, "So what?" Jade said, "High, clear and far." Wide, omnipotent, everything is the ancestor. It belongs to the sky above, and it is seen in the depths below. It's too strange to say. The king said, "Try to give it to me." "Jade said," wei wei. "
However, the height of the Tang Dynasty is nothing compared with other things. Wushan He Qi has no territory (chóu, the same kind, no territory, no comparison with Wushan. ) Ah, Tao is tired (with "layers") (lěi, accumulation). Climb up the rock (chán, the mountain is high and steep) and look down, facing the mountain (dǐ, the slope; Slope) of water (with "storage", savings). When it rains, you will see a collection of all the valleys. (φ, describing heavy rainfall) makes it silent, weak and integrated. It is full of enthusiasm, but it is full of enthusiasm, it is full of enthusiasm. Changfeng comes and waves rise, like an acre of isolated Mount Li. The potential is weak, but it leads to it. The cup is extremely angry, floating in the sea and looking at the stone. Li Leilei's friction with each other is shocking. Chán zhuó, a huge stone drowned in the water, is full of foam, high and sharp, the water is full of water, and the waves are dissolute (commonly known as "forbearance" or "shuǐ yì" by pronunciation). Rushing forward, colliding with each other, the sound of clouds rising (pèi, meaning the appearance of rain, here refers to the sound of water waves spraying and clouds rolling). The beast jumped up in horror and ran in a hurry. Tiger and leopard jackals (female rhinoceros) lose their breath and fear their beaks (Hu, originally meaning bird's beak, losing their breath and fear their beaks, which means losing their spirit and panicking. )。 Hawk harrier (Yao, a fierce bird, looks like an eagle, slightly smaller than an eagle, and is usually called "eagle") flies around. How dare you be arrogant when the stock is threatened by war? As a result, water worms are in full swing, and catfish (yuán tuó, a kind of chinemys reevesii and crocodile), bream (zhān, the ancient name of sturgeon) and tuna (wěi, known as sturgeon in ancient books) are intertwined under the sun in Zhu Zhu. The scales are shaking and the wings are stirring. From a distance in Nakasaka, the mysterious forest is dazzling in winter. If it's rotten, it can't be molded. Hazelnut Lin Yuyu is lush and full of flowers. The double chair hangs down the room and corrects the branches. Migration is bleak, and drifting is darkness; On the east and west wings, Yi (y Ρ n ǐ, still graceful and soft) is abundant. Green leaves wrapped in purple, Dan stems Bai Di. The police whined like a rustle. Clear and turbid, five changes and four meetings. Touch your heart. My ileum hurts. Lonely widow, cold sad nose. An officer is an official, but a wise man loses his will. Trouble is over, sigh and cry. Climbing high and looking far makes people sad; The banks are towering peaks and overlapping shapes. The rocks are steep and steep, and the sloping cliffs are uneven and chase each other vertically and horizontally. Z (Z is not u, corner. This refers to the mountain angle) crossing each other, and the back point is flat (y m n zhí, blocking the road). Overlapping accumulation, overlapping harvest. It looks like a pillar, at the foot of Wushan Mountain. Look up at the top of the mountain, why not Qian Qian. Showing off the rainbow, overlooking Rongrong (zhēng róng, the same as "towering", tall and handsome), thin (wā liáo, empty and deep), vague (vague and profound), without seeing the bottom, listening to the sound of the waves. Shovel on the shore, stand and bear the classics, but don't walk for long, you will sweat. Youyou, I lost myself. It makes people feel inexplicably excited and scared. Ben Yu (Ben, bēn). Ben Yu, Meng Ben, a Warring States warrior, should not be brave. I don't know what to do if I die. If Yi (xǐshēn, with many stones) was born in a terrible place, if it came from God. Shaped like an animal or bird. You can't blame Chen for your strangeness.
The floor is flat from the top to the viewing side. The white heel spreads and the grass grows. Yan Hui, Qiu Lan, Li Jiang in Beijing. The green shoots are dry, and the car is closed. Thin grass is decadent, it extends. The more fragrant, the more birds will sigh. Male and female lost, whining. Wang Pheasant is the ghost of Chu dove. Zigui missed his wife and hung up a chicken nest. In those days, it sang and swam. Sing more and more, go with the flow. Good people will envy the rapids. Into a Yulin, all the music gathered in the valley. Into the pure sacrifice, prayer room (Xun, Xun, Meiyu. A room decorated with jade. For god, the ceremony is too single. The wish has been made and the words have been finished. Wang Naicheng, Shang Cangguo, Hang Jing; ↓↓↓ (Pè i, generally refers to the standard) harmony. Great strings flow gracefully, and bitter winds increase sorrow. So it makes people sad (L ǐ n Li, sad), and the breath increases (Xο, sobbing).
So he is a vertical hunter with toes like stars. It is rumored that feather hunting is silent. The crossbow doesn't tilt unless it fires (I don't know what this word is, why it sounds like it, and I can't explain it). Get involved in recklessness. Birds don't get up and animals don't get up. What festival suddenly elections, hoofs and feet bleeding. First come first served, then pick up the car. If the king wants to see it, he must fast first. Choosing a bad day is simple and mysterious. Build clouds, neon constantly, covered with green. When the wind and rain stop, thousands of miles pass. Cover yourself up, go to the meeting, think about everything, worry about the country and the people, be wise and incompetent, be depressed and depressed. Long life, long live.
Brief introduction of the author
Song Yu was a writer of Chu Ci and Fu at the end of the Warring States Period. He was a man in the Warring States Period (now Yicheng, Xiangfan). Born after Qu Yuan, he was still a disciple of Qu Yuan. He used to be the king's assistant. Good ci, and Le Tang and Jing Ke. According to legend, there are many Ci-Fu, and there are 16 articles in Volume 30 of History of Han, History of Arts and Literature, which are mostly lost today. His works include Nine Arguments, Feng Fu, Gao, and The Ode to a Disciple, but some people suspect that he didn't write the last three. The allusions of the so-called "Xialiba people", "Yangchun Baixue" and "Qugao and Widow" all come from him. Although Song Yu's achievements are difficult to compare with Qu Yuan's, he is the direct successor of Qu Yuan's poetic art. In his works, the description of things tends to be delicate and meticulous, and the combination of lyricism and scenery writing is natural and appropriate, which plays a connecting role between Chu Ci and Han Fu. Later generations often called Qu Ode, which shows Song Yu's position in the history of literature.