For example, think of it as

When it comes to placement, everyone should be familiar with it. A friend asked where the leaves would fall. Of course, some friends want to ask where and what the leaves fall. What's going on here? In fact, where did the leaves fall? Think of it as something. Let's take a look today.

Where did the leaves fall? What do you think it is?

Caterpillar crawls around on the grass and keeps it as a cradle at home.

If it falls into the soil, the soil will also treat the fallen leaves as spring mud.

Leaves fall on the ground, ants. What is that? What did the frog bring when he fell into the water? What role do leaves play in life?

When leaves fall to the ground, ants treat them as sheets, while frogs treat them as boats. The role of leaves in life is to give us shade. When leaves fall to the ground, they can be used as fertilizer, children's toys and decorations.

Where did the leaves fall? What do you think it is?

Leaves fall on the lake, like boats floating in the wind.

Leaves fell in front of my house. What should I do with them?

Leaves fell to the ground, insects crawled over and hid in it for use as a house. The leaves fell into the river, and the little fish swam to hide under the tree and used it as an umbrella.

Leaves fall one by one, and some fall somewhere. What do small animals do with it?

Leaves fall one by one, some fall into the river, and the fish use it as a small umbrella to shade the sun; Some fell on the grass, and the insects took him as a letter from heaven.

The leaves fell among the flowers. What does the butterfly take it for?

As a temporary residence.

Where does the leaf fall and what does it need?

Leaves fall on the lake, like boats floating in the wind.

Imitation: The leaves fall on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, and treat it as.

The leaves fell into the river and used it as a boat.

Leaves fall on the stream, fish use it as an umbrella, ants use it as a boat, and shrimp use it as a toy. What are the advantages?

Metaphorically, compare leaves to umbrellas and boats. Vivid and interesting.