James 4: 8 "Draw near to God, and God will draw near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners. Purify you, you double-minded person.
Heart. "Lord, thank you for giving us such a good promise:" Get close to God and God will get close to you. " "So how can we get close to God? As long as you come to the Lord, you can talk to him anytime and anywhere and get close to him. Only those who are always close to God can realize that God is our help at any time. If we want to get close to God, we must keep our hands clean and our hearts clean. " Wash your hands, you sinners. Half-hearted people, wash your hearts. "This is the external and internal aspects of the same action. The former is to wash hands, and the latter is to purify the mind. In other words, to clean a person's behavior and heart. So what is double heart? That is, on the one hand, we should serve God, and on the other hand, we should be friends with the world. But I don't know that being a friend of the world is an enemy of God. If we are really like this, there is only one way, and that is to repent, wash our hands and purify our hearts. Pray that the Lord will let us purify our external behavior and also purify our inner spirit with the precious blood of Christ. People with two minds should not think of meeting God. Only those who turn to God wholeheartedly and are no longer defiled will God approach them and allow them to approach him. Thank god for his mercy! Amen!