"God asked him to build a boat, but what about Noah?
God asked him to build a boat, but what was Noah like? Gen 2: 5-6 said, "The Lord has not rained on the earth ... but mist has risen from the earth and moistened the whole earth." That is to say, Noah has never seen rain, the sea or a ship, let alone built a ship, and Noah's revelation to God is beyond doubt. "God has done everything he commanded" (Gen. 6: 22). It took Noah 120 years to build a boat, because God said that those who are flesh and blood, "his days will be 120 years" (Gen. 6: 3), and no one of Noah's contemporaries had ever seen a boat. We can imagine that during this 120 years, when Noah's family tried their best to create such a strange thing, and no one knew what it could be used for, they must have been laughed at by their contemporaries, but Noah persisted for 120 years. Where is the water? Where is the sea? Where can the built ship sail in the water? In the long years of 120 years, Noah didn't look for any answers by himself, he just did what God told him.