Psalm 5 1: 1[ After David slept with Bathsheba, Nathan the prophet came to him; He wrote this poem and gave it to the music director. God, have mercy on me according to your lovingkindness! Please blot out my transgressions according to your abundant compassion!
Psalm 5 1:2 Wash away my sin completely, wash away my sin!
Psalm 5 1:3 because I know my transgressions; My sin is always in front of me.
Psalm 5 1:4 I have sinned against you, but I have sinned against you; You have done this evil before your eyes, so when you rebuke me, you are righteous; When you judge me, you are upright.
Psalm 5 1:5 I was born in sin, and I was guilty when my mother was pregnant.
Psalm 5 1:6 What you love is inner honesty; You are in my secret place, and you will give me wisdom.
Psalm 5 1:7 cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.
Psalm 5 1:8 please make me listen to the sound of joy, so that the bones you crushed can be heated.
Psalm 5 1:9 hide your face from my sins and blot out all my sins.
God, please create a clean heart for me and restore an upright spirit in me.
Ps 5 1: 1 1 Don't abandon me, let me leave your face; Don't take back your holy spirit from me.
Psalm 5 1: 12 Please save me and give me a willing spirit to support me.
Psalm 5 1: 13 I will teach the transgressors your way, and the sinners will submit to you.
Psalm 5 1: 14 God, you are the God who saved me; Please save me from the bloody crime! My tongue will sing loudly about your righteousness.
Ps 5 1: 15 Lord, please open my lips, and my mouth will spread your praise!
Hymns. You don't like sacrifice. I'll give it to you if you like. You don't like burnt offerings.
Psalm 5 1: 17 the sacrifice god wants is a sad spirit; God, you won't despise a sad and regretful heart.
Psalm 5 1: 18 Please be kind to Zion and build the walls of Jerusalem according to your good pleasure.
Psalm 5 1: 19 then you will love righteous sacrifices, burnt offerings and holocausts; At that time, people will offer bulls on your altar.
I hope my answer will satisfy you. )