Throughout the ages, countless literati have used poems to praise friendship and express their thoughts for friends. Wang Lun, Tang Li Bai and Li Bai were about to leave by boat when they suddenly heard a song on the shore. Even if the Peach Blossom Pond is deep, it is not as deep as Wang Lun's sending away my love. When Yuan Er was sent away, Anxi, Tang and Weicheng were facing the rain and light dust, and the guest house was green and willow-colored.
I advise you to drink one more glass of wine. There is no reason to go out of Yangguan in the west. I miss my Shandong brother (Tang) Wang Wei in a foreign land during the holiday in the mountains, and I miss my relatives every holiday. Far away, I know where my brother climbed. There is one person missing from the dogwood (zhū yú).
The literati made the following sentences:
1. The literati painted a magnificent picture with pen and ink, and their works made us feel the charm of culture.
2. The inspiration of these literati is like a spring, creating one beautiful poem after another.
3. Literati often look for inspiration between mountains and rivers and create many beautiful poems.
4. Literati painted one vivid figure after another with pen.
5. Literati are the most capable to express their feelings and thoughts in the form of poems or essays.
6. Literati and writers have left us many valuable cultural heritages with their words.
7. The poems of these literati are full of passion and appeal, which makes people feel the charm of culture.
8. Literati recorded the development and changes of history with pen and ink.
9. Literati and men of letters painted one beautiful natural landscape after another with their pens.
10. Literati used their words to describe vivid scenes and characters for us.
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Literati and scholar-officials refer to a kind of intellectuals in Ming and Qing Dynasties. Their aesthetic standards and style characteristics are unique, and they advocate freedom, aestheticism and personalized aesthetics.
The rise of these literati appeared under the background that cultural innovation gradually stagnated after the Tang and Song Dynasties, and literary works such as thoughts and poems began to fall into tradition and rigidity. They innovated and perfected traditional culture, improved the aesthetic value and artistic level of literature, and formed their own unique artistic style.
The cultural characteristics of literati are the unique pursuit of beauty. In literature, they pursue profound artistic conception and concise language, and also advocate traditional techniques, but they don't stick to tradition and dare to try innovative forms and expressions.