In 1855, Bordeaux, France ranked * * * how many ranked villages?

In 1855, Bordeaux, France, ranked 58 famous wineries, including 4 first-class wineries, namely Chateau Lafite, Chateau Latour, Chateau Houbowang and Chateau Margaux. 12 second-class wineries (deuxieme crus); 14 third-class wineries (Troisieme Crus); There are 11 Quatrie Mescrus and 17 Cinquieme Cruss. Although there were only 58 famous wineries at the beginning, due to various historical factors, some wineries were divided into several, but the grading system has not changed, and they also have the ranking given in 1855. So now, the number of famous wineries has grown to 61. The 61 wineries are:

first-class (5)

Chateau Lafite Rothschild

Chateau La Tour

Chateau Margaux

Chateau Haut-Brion)

Akebia. Rothschild)

secondary villages (14)

Chateau Brane-Cantenac)

Chateau Cos-d'Estournel)

Chateau Ducru-Beaucaillou)

Chateau Duro. Ens)

Chateau Gruaud La Rose

Chateau La Combes

Chateau Leoville Las Cases

Chateau Leoville-Barton)

Chateau Leovil. Le-Poyferre)

Chateau Montrose

Chateau Pichon-Longueville Baron

Chateau Pichon-Longueville Baron, Comtesse de Lalande)

Chateau Rausan-Segla)

Chateau Rauzan Gas Sies

Third-class villages (14)

Chateau Boyd Cantenac

Chateau Calon- Segur)

Chateau Debrand AC-Brown

Chateau Desmi Rail

Chateau d 'Issan

Chateau Ferriere

Chateau Giscours

Kirin. Ateau Kirwan)

Chateau La Lagune

Chateau La Grange

Chateau Langoa Barton

Chateau Malescott-Saint-Exupery

Marquis Chatea (Chatea). U Marquis d'Alesme Becker)

Chateau Palmer

Four-level villages (1)

Chateau Bey Chevelle

Chateau Branaire-Ducru)

Chateau Duhart-Milon.

Chateau La Tour-Carnet)

Chateau Lafon-Rochet)

Chateau Marquis-de-Terme

Chateau Pouget

Chateau Priere. Ne)

Chateau Saint-Pierre)

Chateau Talbot

Five-level villages (18)

Chateau Bataille y

Chateau Belgrave

Chateau Carmack. Chateau Cantemeller

Chateau Clerc-Milon)

Chateau Cos-Labory)

Chateau Croizet-Bages)

Chateau d 'Armailhac

. Chateau Dauzac)

Chateau du Tertre

Chateau Grand-Puy-Ducasse

Chateau Grand-Puy-Lacoste

Chateau Haut-Bages-Liberal < Chateau Haut-Bataille y

Chateau Lynch Bages

Chateau Lynch-Mu Sha

Chateau Pedesclaux

Chateau Pontet-Canet.