Spring warms the heart and spleen, "My clothes are wet with the rain of apricot blossoms, and the wind from the willows blows my face without chilling."
Spring is fleeting, "the flowers in the forest wither in spring." Red, too hasty." Therefore, "If there are flowers that can be broken, they must be broken, and don't wait for the flowers to fall and break the branches."
Spring is cool and moist, "The light rain on the street is as moist as crisp, and the color of the grass looks far away but close up. None."
In spring, the wine is fragrant, "I asked where the restaurant is, and the shepherd boy pointed to Xinghua Village."
In spring, the soul is haunted by dreams, "Where will spring go? ?Lonely with no way to travel. If someone knows where spring is going, call him back and live with him."