Because the earliest version of the seven-step poem was a draft version, and was later adapted for the neatness of the writing, there are two versions. The earliest version of the seven-step poem is that Cao Zhi cooked the beans to make a soup and drained the bean sprouts to make juice. The beetles are burning under the cauldron, and the beans are weeping in the cauldron. They are born from the same root, so there is no need to rush into mutual conflict. The second version is to boil the beans and burn the beans, and the beans weep in the cauldron. They are born from the same root, so there is no need to rush into mutual conflict.
Whether it is the earliest version or the second version, the meaning is the same. It is translated as boiling beans to make bean soup, and filtering beans to make juice. The bean stalks burned under the pot and the beans wept in the pot. The bean pole and the beans grow from the same root, so why do they have to torture and force each other so hard?
The creative background of the seven-step poem.
The background of the creation of the seven-step poem was that Cao Zhi took one step and thought of one sentence, and then finished the seven-step poem. However, later people compiled it in order not to read so many words, that is, There are two sentences missing, so the first version is Cao Zhi's earliest draft. Although Cao Zhi wrote two versions, both versions have their own characteristics, and they are both famous works through the ages. The meaning is very close, that is, because this poem saved Cao Zhi's life.