(1). Sing a poem. "Zuo Zhuan Xiang Gong Sixteen Years": "The marquis of Jin and the princes gave a banquet to make the doctor dance, saying,' Songs and poems must be the same. Du pre-note: "Songs and ancient poems should be written according to their meaning." . Mozi Meng Gong: "Jun and his parents, wife and stepson all died. They cried for three years ... 300 songs and 300 dances. Sun Yirang said: "My little teacher's notes: Song, according to the poem. "
(2) Yuefu poems with music scores to sing. Zhang's On the National Heritage and the Balance of Distinguishing Poems: "The so-called poets in the Han Dynasty have twists and turns in their voices, so they can string songs, such as seven twists and turns in Zhou Ge, Henan Province and seventy-five twists and turns in Zhou folk songs. Therefore, these three poems, Hou and Ma Tian, are called Tai Shigong's poems. There are no poets outside Yuefu. " China ballad Zhu Ziqing III: "These poems are by no means disciples, because there are twists and turns (that is, music scores) in them, and because they are all in Yuefu."
(3). Generally refers to poetry. Jin Cuibao's Notes on Ancient and Modern Music: "Ming Di is a prince, and musicians compose songs and poems in four chapters, praising the virtue of the prince." Wei Zhuang's Song of Begging for Color: "I have thousands of poems, grinding mountains and grinding stars." Song Fan Zhongyan's poem "Impromptu is like a teacher's husband": "Bai Fu's songs and poems spread overseas, and Gong Jin's peaches and plums are all over the world." Preface to Mo Youzhi's "Chao Jing Chao Shi Copying" in Qing Dynasty: "On my son's life writings, classics are the first, literature is the second, and poetry is the third."