"Without virtue, the country will not prosper, and without virtue, the people will not stand." The prosperity of a country cannot be separated from the spiritual support; The progress of a nation depends on the growth of civilization; The formation of good fashion must be guided by correct values. For a long time, under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee, citizen's moral construction has been continuously promoted, Chinese traditional virtues have been continuously promoted, and a large number of moral models and most beautiful figures have emerged in China. They are patriotic and dedicated, loyal to their duties, honest and trustworthy, adhere to the right path, be pious and diligent, honor the elderly and love their loved ones, and help each other in good neighborliness, setting an example for the whole society. However, in some fields and some members of society, there are problems of moral decline, such as officials taking bribes to bend the law, old people touching porcelain, deceiving others, forgetting righteousness for profit, doping poison in food, and so on. These phenomena have seriously affected the social atmosphere and the construction of correct social values.
The essence behind social ugliness is the lack of faith and the collapse of spiritual support. Let it spread, it will poison the social atmosphere, endanger the people, and become a social cancer incompatible with the construction of socialist spiritual civilization. Society needs the guidance of knowledge, and development needs the navigation of value. To curb these phenomena, we must first start with value belief. Based on the individual level of citizens, the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward requirements for socialist core values, and advocated the values of "patriotism, dedication, honesty and friendliness" at the citizen level. This principle covers social morality, professional ethics, family virtues, personal morality and other aspects, providing guidance for integrating pluralistic social thoughts, providing a "backbone" for shaping good social customs, and providing correct value orientation and spiritual support for realizing the Chinese dream. Citizens are the main body of practice, and each of us needs to shoulder the responsibility of practice, taking "patriotism, professionalism, honesty and friendliness" as our moral constraint and code of conduct, making it the spiritual pursuit and value consciousness of internalizing the heart and externalizing the behavior, thus promoting the continuous progress of spiritual civilization and the continuous improvement of social customs.
The values of "patriotism, dedication, honesty and friendliness" are actually reflected in the casual words and deeds of each of us: a warm word will touch a person; A civilized move can infect people around you; A small matter can radiate dazzling moral light. Let's be patriotic, honest and friendly, start from ourselves, and make the requirements of socialist core values our behavior habits, thus greatly improving the degree of social civilization and promoting social harmony.
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