At the end of Tianbao in Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty, he was a scholar and got into trouble. Tang Daizong dynasty should rise again and try again and again. In the sixth year of Dali, Prime Minister Yuan Zai recommended him and named him Wei Xiang. Later, Wang Jin, the prime minister, recommended him as a bachelor in Jixian County and secretary of the provincial school, and promoted him as a supervisor. Issued by Tiger Grass in Shaanxi Province and Mixian County in Henan Province. Later, Yuan Zai and Wang Jin were convicted and implicated. Tang Dezong regime change, returned to Zhao Ying as a county magistrate, served as a marshal judge in Hehuanfufu, and the official to Lang was suspended. He died soon. He is the author of Poems of Lu Hubu, Xia Sai Qu and He Zhangfu Shooting Xia Sai Qu.